Notice Type
Notice Title

Reappointments/appointments to the Social Workers Registration Board

Pursuant to section 28 of the Crown Entities Act 2004, the Minister for Social Development and Employment has been pleased to reappoint
Robyn Corrigan, of Northland
as chair of the Social Workers Registration Board for a term of two years commencing on 28 March 2007; and
Professor Janet Duke, of Wellington
as a member of the Social Workers Registration Board for a term of two years commencing on 28 March 2007; and
Yvonne Crichton-Hill, of Christchurch
Ian Calder, of Kapiti
as members of the Social Workers Registration Board for terms of 18 months commencing on 28 March 2007; and appoint
Shona Kapea-Maslin, of Gore
Stuart Macdonald, of Wellington
as members of the Social Workers Registration Board for terms of three years commencing on 28 March 2007; and
Paula Nes, of Auckland
as a member of the Social Workers Registration Board for a term of three years commencing on 7 May 2007.
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of March 2007.
DAVID BENSON-POPE, Minister for Social Development and Employment.