Notice Title

Acting District Court Judges Appointed

Publication Date
29 Mar 2007


District Courts Act Appointments

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Principal Edition, 29 March 2007.
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Pursuant to section 10A of the District Courts Act 1947,
His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand has been pleased to appoint
Paul Franklin Barber, retired District Court Judge
to be an Acting District Court Judge, to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction in New Zealand, at such place or places and for such period or periods only as the Chief District Court Judge may fix, pursuant to the said section 10A of
the District Courts Act 1947, for a term of two years on and from 3 March 2007; and
Edward Oke Kempthorne Blaikie, retired District Court Judge
to be an Acting District Court Judge, to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction in New Zealand, at such place or places and for such period or periods only as the Chief District Court Judge may fix, pursuant to the said section 10A of
the District Courts Act 1947, for a term of two years on and from 1 March 2007; and
David James Carruthers, retired District Court Judge
to be an Acting District Court Judge, to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction in New Zealand, at such place or places and for such period or periods only as the Chief District Court Judge may fix, pursuant to the said section 10A of
the District Courts Act 1947, for a term of two years on and from 1 April 2007; and
Patrick Jerome Toomey, Retired District Court Judge
to be an Acting District Court Judge, to exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction in New Zealand, at such place or places and for such period or periods only as the Chief District Court Judge may fix, pursuant to the said section 10A of the District Courts Act 1947, for a term of one year on and from 1 April 2007.
Dated at Wellington this 12th day of March 2007.
MICHAEL CULLEN, Attorney-General.