Notice Title

Waikato Regional Airshed Notice 2007

Publication Date
15 Mar 2007


Resource Management Act Regional airshed notices

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Pursuant to sections 43 and 360(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Minister for the Environment makes the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement—(1) This notice is the Waikato Regional Airshed Notice 2007.
(2) This notice comes into force on 1 April 2007.
2. Airsheds established—(1) The areas listed in the Schedule are separate airsheds for the Waikato region
as specified by the Minister for the purposes of the
Resource Management (National Environmental Standards Relating to Certain Air Pollutants, Dioxins, and Other Toxics) Regulations 2004.
(2) Any areas within the Waikato region that are not covered by the separate airsheds described in this notice form a single airshed for that region.
3. Revocation—The Waikato Regional Airshed Notice 2005 published in the New Zealand Gazette, 25 August 2005, No. 141, page 3429, is revoked.
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of February 2007.
DAVID BENSON-POPE, Minister for the Environment.
Airshed Name Description
1. Hamilton City SO 378461
2. Taupo SO 378482
3. Turangi SO 378502
4. Tokoroa SO 378491
5. Putaruru SO 378480
6. Te Kuiti SO 378487
7. Matamata SO 378465
8. Morrinsville SO 378467
9. Te Aroha SO 378483
10. Cambridge SO 378457
11. Te Awamutu and Kihikihi SO 378485
12. Huntly SO 378462
13. Ngaruawahia SO 378469
14. Otorohanga SO 378474
15. Paeroa SO 378479
16. Waihi SO 378505
17. Whangamata SO 378503
18. Whitianga SO 378456
19. Thames SO 378490
20. Tuakau SO 378501