Notice Type
Notice Title

Canterbury Womens Golf (Incorporated)

Notice of Intention to Remove Incorporated Society From the Register
Pursuant to Section 28 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and Section 320 of the Companies Act 1993
Company No.: 220182
Notice is hereby given that the liquidator’s final report has been delivered to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies and that it is now intended to remove the incorporated society from the New Zealand Register, under section 318(1)(e) of the Companies Act 1993, on the grounds that the incorporated society has ceased to carry on business, has discharged in full its liabilities to all its known creditors, and has distributed its surplus assets to Canterbury Golf Incorporated for the purpose of amalgamation.
Notice is given that unless written objection to the removal of the incorporated society is sent or delivered to the Registrar by 21 November 2007, the Registrar may remove the incorporated society from the Register.
Dated at Christchurch this 17th day of October 2007.
A. M. OORSCHOT, Liquidator.