Notice Title

Presbyterian Church Trustees

Publication Date
24 May 2007


Charitable Trusts Act Application to vary a charitable trust

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Principal Edition, 24 May 2007.
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See page 1450
Advertisement of Application for Order to Vary a Charitable Trust
Take notice that the Presbyterian Church Trustees have applied to the High Court at Wellington for an order for variation of a trust deed dated the 10th day of December 1952, between them and Alice Mary MacFarlane.
The proposed scheme of variation provides that in respect
of the property at 9 Sharon Road, North Shore, Auckland (described as Lot 294 DP 17345 (Computer Freehold Register NA792/154), the trustees will use the:
(a) property;
(b) proceeds of any sale of the property;
(c) proceeds of any lease of the property;
for residential purposes in connection with the work of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand such as:
(a) a manse or manses; or
(b) an orphanage or orphanages; or
(c) a rest home or homes of a suitable nature.
The date for the hearing of the application is 19 June 2007
at 10.00am.
Any person wishing to oppose the application must give written notice of their intention to do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court at Wellington;
(b) the applicant; and
(c) the Attorney-General
not less than seven clear days before the date of the hearing.
CHRISTOPHER DICKIE, Solicitor for the Applicant.