Pursuant to section 61(3) of the Transit New Zealand Act 1989, Transit New Zealand hereby amends the following bylaw.
A m e n d m e n t s
1. These amendments shall come into force 28 days after their publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. The Transit New Zealand Bylaw (Regulating Heavy Motor Vehicle Traffic on State Highways) 2002/17* is hereby amended by:
(a) In Clause 2, Interpretation, after the first paragraph, insert:
“In this bylaw, “truck” means a heavy motor vehicle, other than a passenger service vehicle, the gross weight of which exceeds 13,000 kilograms.”
(b) After Clause 4, insert a new clause:
“No person shall take or permit to be driven or taken, any truck on any road or part of a road specified in the Fourth Schedule to this bylaw unless that vehicle is being used for the express purpose of:
(i) providing an emergency service on a road, or part of a road, specified in the Fourth Schedule, or in the general vicinity of
that road or part of that road, including attendance at a fire; or
(ii) the maintenance of the road, or its support structure, specified in the Fourth Schedule, or in the immediate vicinity of that road, or part of that road; or
(iii) the provision or maintenance of a network utility work on or in a road or part of a road, or in the road support structure, specified in the Fourth Schedule, or in the immediate vicinity of that road, or part of that road, provided that the provision or maintenance of that network utility is undertaken by a network utility operator as defined in section 166 of the Resource Management Act 1991.”
(c) After Clause 8, insert:
“Fourth Schedule
That part of the Auckland Northern Motorway section of State Highway No. 1 comprising
the outermost lane of the box girder extensions of the Auckland Harbour Bridge, in both
the southbound and northbound directions, commencing at a point 309 metres generally south of the northern abutment of the Auckland Harbour Bridge and extending in a generally southerly direction to a point 200 metres generally north of the southern abutment of
the Auckland Harbour Bridge (Route Position 414/9.52 to Route Position 414/10.59); a distance of approximately 1.1 kilometres.”
These bylaw amendments were made by resolution passed at a meeting of Transit New Zealand held in Wellington on 2 May 2007.
Signed on behalf of Transit New Zealand under delegated authority by:
J. H. VAN BARNEVELD, Chief Executive, Transit
New Zealand.
*New Zealand Gazette, 12 December 2002, No. 178, page 4499