Notice Title

Notification of Initiation of the Standard Terms Development Process for Unbundled Local Loop and Bitstream Services Under the Telecommunications Amendment Act (No 2) 2006

Pursuant to section 30D of the Telecommunications Amendment Act (No 2) 2006 ("the Act"), the Commerce Commission ("the Commission") gives public notice that it has decided, under section 30C of the Act, to initiate two separate standard terms development processes in respect of the following designated access services:
(1) Telecom's unbundled bitstream access; and
(2) Telecom's unbundled copper local loop network.
Under section 30C(1) of the Act, the Commission may, on its own initiative, initiate the standard terms development process for a designated access service.
Under section 30C(2) of the Act, the Commission must be satisfied that the applicable conditions (if any) in relation to the service have been met.
There are no applicable conditions for "Telecom's unbundled copper local loop network".
The conditions for "Telecom's unbundled bitstream access" only apply after the expiry of three years from the date on which the Act receives the Royal assent.
Accordingly, there are no applicable conditions for either service.
Date of Decision: 23 February 2007.