Notice Title

Land Declared No Longer Required for Education Purposes

Pursuant to section 70A of the Education Act 1989,
and pursuant to an authority delegated to me, I, Paul Dickson Burke, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 9 November 2006.
Area ha Description
2.3026 Sections 63, 64, 68 and 76, Town of Okato, part Section 2, Okato Town Belt, Lot 1, DP 9054 (Computer Freehold Registers TN8/89 and TN92/222 - Gazette Notices 134417, 174720 and 386477.1), Taranaki Land Registration District.
0.7965 Section 2, SO 351470 (part Gazette Notice S305105), South Auckland Land Registration District.
Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of November 2006.
P. D. BURKE, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education.