Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Declaring Land to be Held for Conservation Purposes

Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator for the Wanganui Conservancy of the Department of Conservation declares that the land described in the Schedule is held for conservation purposes.
Taranaki Land District-South Taranaki District
Area ha Description
178.5928 Section 2, SO 366184, situated in Block XII, Omoana Survey District.
127.1747 Section 4, SO 366184, situated in Block XII, Omoana Survey District.
284.2313 Section 6, SO 366184, situated in Block XVI, Omoana Survey District.
165.9211 Subdivision 1 of Section 1, Block XVI, Omoana Survey District. SO 7146L.
Dated at Wanganui this 10th day of August 2006.
(DOC PAP-07-03-7001)