Notice Type
Incorporated Societies
Notice Title

Dissolution of Incorporated Societies

Section 28 (1) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908
The Registrar of Incorporated Societies is satisfied that
these societies listed below are no longer carrying on
their operations and, therefore, gives notice that they are dissolved pursuant to section 28 (1) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908:
Auckland Metropolitan Fire Brigade Welfare Fund Inc.
Cam River Consent Group Inc.
Clinton Community Squash Club Inc.
Friends of the South Auckland Ballet Academy Inc.
Harbour Hawks Lacrosse Club Inc.
Manunui Rugby Football Club Inc.
Multisport NZ Inc.
New Zealand Kilikiti Association Inc.
New Zealand Maori Womens Rugby League Inc.
New Zealand Sekwang Methodist Church Inc.
New Zealand Software Association Inc.
North Shore Childrens Art Club Inc.
Northland Tennis Club Inc.
Orewa Landcare Group Inc.
Post Office Workers Association Inc.
Queenstown BMX Club Inc.
Rotary Club of Mangere Inc.
Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Far North Branch Inc.
Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Taranaki Area (Inc.).
Seugagogo Aoga Amata Inc.
Taranaki Windsurfing Club Inc.
The New Zealand Institute of Family Studies Inc.
The New Zealand Maori Internet Society Inc.
The Otara Rugby League Football Club Inc.
The Register of New Zealand Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Inc.
The Rotary Club of Christchurch Inc.
Touch Counties Manukau Juniors Association Inc.
Warkworth and District Kowhai Festival Society Inc.
Wellington Maori Accountants Network Inc.
Whiti Te Ra Ki Otaki Sports Club Inc.
Whitianga Pig Hunters Club Society Inc.
Yang Moon Presbyterian Church Inc.
Dated this 27th day of April 2006.
NEVILLE HARRIS, Registrar of Incorporated Societies.