Pursuant to section 167 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Minister for the Environment hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement—(1) This notice may be cited as the Resource Management (Revocation of Approval of The Radio Network Central Limited as Requiring Authority) Notice (No. 2) 2006.
(2) This notice shall come into force on the 28th day after the date of its publication in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Revocation of approval as requiring authority—The approval of The Radio Network Central Limited as a requiring authority pursuant to The Resource Management (Approval of The Radio Network Central Limited as Requiring Authority) Notice (No. 2) 1996 in respect of the following particular network utility operation:
(a) Any radiocommunication or telecommunication facility of its network in respect of any site of
which The Radio Network Southern Limited, The Radio Company Limited, or The Radio Network of New Zealand Limited or any subsidiary company
(as defined in the Companies Act 1993) of The Radio Network of New Zealand Limited is or may, at any time, become an owner or a holder of any other estate or interest; and
(b) the operation, erection, installation, maintenance, replacement, alteration, improvement, removal and other use of land (within the meaning of section 9 (4) of the Resource Management Act 1991) in respect of any such radiocommunication or telecommunication facility*
is hereby revoked on the basis that The Radio Network Central Limited is no longer a network utility operator.
Dated at Wellington this 6th day of November 2006.
DAVID BENSON-POPE, Minister for the Environment.
*New Zealand Gazette, 12 December 1996, No. 180, page 4728