Notice Title

Fisheries (Automatic Location Communicator) Notice 2006 No. 1

Pursuant to Regulation 5 of the Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations 1993, the National Manager Compliance, Ministry of Fisheries, acting pursuant to delegated authority, hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title and commencement—(1) This notice may be cited as the Fisheries (Automatic Location Communicator) Notice 2006 (No. 1).
(2) This notice comes into effect on the day after its notification in the New Zealand Gazette.
2. Interpretation—In this notice, “type approval” means an approval given by the Chief Executive of the Ministry
of Fisheries under Regulation 5 of the Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations 1993.
3. Grant of type approval—Pursuant to Regulation 5 (2) of the Fisheries (Satellite Vessel Monitoring) Regulations 1993, a full type approval has been granted to the following Inmarsat-C device:
Product Name: Furuno Inmarsat Mini-C Mobile Earth Station
Manufacturer: Furuno Electric Co Limited
Model: Felcom 16 Mini-C
Software Version: 1650166-03.06
Dated at Wellington this 5th day of October 2006.
STEVE STUART, National Manager Fisheries Compliance, Ministry of Fisheries (in exercise of delegated authority).