Notice Title

Advice Notice to General Practitioners Concerning Patient Benefits and Other Subsidies—Amendment No. 6

Pursuant to sections 88 (1) and 88 (3) of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, and with the approval of the Minister of Health under section 89 (3) of that Act, the Northland District Health Board, Waitemata District Health Board, Auckland District Health Board, Counties Manukau District Health Board, Waikato District Health Board, Lakes District Health Board, Bay of Plenty District Health Board, Tairawhiti District Health Board, Taranaki District Health Board, Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, Whanganui District Health Board, MidCentral District Health Board, Hutt District Health Board, Capital and Coast District Health Board, Wairarapa District Health Board, Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, West Coast District Health Board, Canterbury District Health Board, South Canterbury District Health Board, Otago District Health Board and Southland District Health Board give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title—(1) This notice is the Advice Notice to General Practitioners Concerning Benefits and Other Subsidies
(Amendment No.6).
(2) In this notice, the Advice Notice to General Practitioners Concerning Patient Benefits and Other Subsidies1 is called
the “principal notice”.
2. Commencement—This notice comes into force on 1 July 2006.
3. Amendment—Schedule 3 of Part B of the principal notice is amended as follows:
(a) Clauses 1.1 (g) and 1.1 (h) are revoked.
(b) The final bullet point phrase in clause 2.1 (j) is omitted and the following is substituted:
“? ensuring that the NHI number is recorded for each child and young person who receives a MeNZBTM dose;”
(c) Clause 2.1 (s) is amended by omitting the final bullet point phrase.
(d) Clause 3A is omitted and the following is substituted:
“3A Meningococcal B immunisation
3A.1 General practitioners shall administer the MeNZBTM vaccine (subject to licensure) to:
(a) all children aged from six weeks up to but not including five years of age, until 30 June 2009; and
(b) all young people over five years of age and up to but not including 20 years of age who received their first dose of the MeNZBTM vaccine prior to 1 July 2006, until 31 December 2006; and
(c) any other person within a class or category determined by the Ministry of Health.
3A.2 General practitioners shall administer a course of three MeNZBTM doses and a fourth MeNZBTM dose for eligible children who commence the 1st dose of MeNZBTM prior to six months of age, or as otherwise advised by the Ministry of Health.
3A.3 MeNZBTM vaccine will be supplied and distributed through the Ministry of Health’s nominated vaccine distributor at no cost to immunisation providers.”
(e) Clause 4.6 is omitted and the following clause is substituted:
“4.6 The subsidised fee for the administration of a vaccine episode on the childhood immunisation schedule as set out in the Immunisation Handbook (other than the influenza vaccine) is $16.99 (excluding GST). The subsidised fee for the administration of the influenza vaccine is $16.99 (excluding GST) plus the purchase cost (excluding GST) of the vaccine from the nominated supplier. For the purposes of clarity, a vaccine episode is a visit on any given day for the administration of any number of vaccines. The subsidised fee for immunisations will be reviewed annually by the Ministry of Health.”
(f) Clause 5.5 is omitted and the following clause is substituted:
“5.5 For all immunisations eligible for a payment of a subsidised fee, the subsidised fee is $16.99 (excluding GST) in respect of each immunisation episode as set out in this Notice. The subsidised fee for immunisations will be reviewed annually by the Ministry of Health.”
(g) Clause 5.7 is omitted, and the following clause is substituted:
“5.7 A subsidised fee of $16.99 (excluding GST) will be paid for the administration of a vaccine or vaccines where:
(a) the person is a household contact or sexual contact of a person with acute Hepatitis B or a carrier of Hepatitis B; or
(b) the person is a household contact of a person with Measles, Mumps or Rubella.
This subsidised fee will be reviewed annually by the Ministry of Health.”
(h) Clause 5.8 is omitted and the following clause is substituted:
“5.8A A subsidy of $16.99 (excluding GST) will be paid for administering a MeNZBTM vaccine episode.”
4. Statement of reasons for departure from terms and conditions of the principal notice for purposes of section 89 (5) of the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000—The terms and conditions in this notice depart from the terms and conditions in the principal notice for the following reasons:
(a) to increase the subsidised fee for immunisations by 3.3%;
(b) to implement the conclusion of the Meningococcal B Immunisation Programme and the continuation of meningococcal B immunisations alongside the National Immunisation Schedule.
1In force 1 May 2000:
Amendment No. 1: Supplement to New Zealand Gazette, 19 December 2001, No. 172, page 4201
Amendment No. 2: New Zealand Gazette, 20 June 2002, No. 67, page 1769
Amendment No. 3: New Zealand Gazette, 15 April 2004, No. 42, page 1068
Amendment No. 4: New Zealand Gazette, 5 May 2005, No. 76, page 1794
Amendment No. 5: New Zealand Gazette, 1 September 2005, No. 152, page 3752