Notice Title

Notice of Application to Vary Terms of a Charitable Trust

Pursuant to the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Notice is hereby given that The New Zealand Federation
of Women's Institutes Incorporated has made application
to the High Court at Wellington for approval of a scheme varying and extending the trusts of the will of Henry Cecil Mealing, artist, late of Titirangi Beach, Auckland, who died in 1977.
The date proposed for the hearing of the application is Tuesday, the 14th day of November 2006 at 10.00 a.m., at the High Court at Wellington.
Any person desiring to oppose the scheme is required to give written notice of intention to do so to:
(a) the Registrar of the High Court at Wellington;
(b) the trustees, care of Duncan Cotterill, Lawyers,
P.O. Box 10-376, Wellington; and
(c) the applicant, care of Duncan Cotterill, Lawyers, P.O. Box 10-376, Wellington; and
(d) the Attorney-General, care of Crown Law Office, P.O. Box 2858, Wellington
not less than seven clear days before the matter is due to be heard.
This notice is given by Duncan Cotterill, Lawyers, acting for the applicant: