Notice Title

Edna Joyce Howe Trust

Notice of Application to Vary Terms of a Charitable Trust
Pursuant to Section 36 of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957
Take notice that on the 19th day of July 2006 at 9.30 a.m., the trustees of the Edna Joyce Howe Trust will move the High Court at Dunedin for an order approving a variation to the terms of the trust.
The application is being made on the grounds that it is impractical or inexpedient to carry out the purpose of the trust without such variation.
The proposed scheme will ensure that suitable persons for the award of scholarships from the trust can be found, by deleting from the trust statement the words
“…to establish a scholarship fund to enable payments or loans to be made to enable Homecraft trained teachers to undertake further training especially in the Social Sciences and limited to those Homecraft trained teachers with at least five (5) years teaching experience and who are unmarried.”
and replacing them with the words
“…to establish a scholarship fund to enable payments or loans to be made to enable trained teachers of Food Technology, Clothing, Textile and Design Technology, Home Economics or other Home and Life Science Development subjects to undertake further studies or research in those fields. In order to qualify for support from the fund applicants must have a minimum of three years’ teaching experience with at least half that teaching time in the areas above mentioned.”.
Any person desiring to oppose the scheme must give written notice of his or her intention to do so to the Registrar of the High Court, Private Bag 1925, Dunedin, and to the trustees of the Edna Joyce Howe Trust, care of Albert Alloo
& Sons, P.O. Box 292, Dunedin, and to the Attorney General, Crown Law Office, P.O. Box 5012, Wellington, not less than seven clear days before the 19th day of July 2006.