Notice Title

Public Sector Training Organisation

Publication Date
9 Mar 2006


Industry Training Act Recognised industry training organisations

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Principal Edition, 9 March 2006.
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See page 524
Pursuant to section 5 of the Industry Training Act 1992,
full recognition is given to the Public Sector Training Organisation to set standards on the National Qualification’s Framework at Levels 1 to 8 for the following industries:
The Public Service as listed in the First Schedule to
the State Sector Act; other organisations defined as departments for the purposes of the Public Finance Act 1989; Offices of Parliament; Crown Entities defined as Crown Agents, Autonomous Crown Entities, and Independent Crown Entities; and the State-owned Enterprise Quotable Value and Assure New Zealand.
Excluded from this coverage are: State-owned Enterprises and Crown Companies except as specified
as above; Crown Entities which are direct providers of health services (including hospitals, health boards etc), direct providers of education services (including schools and tertiary education institutions); Crown Research Institutes; and New Zealand Fire Service Commission and the Fire Service.
Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of March 2006.
MICHAEL CULLEN, Minister for Tertiary Education.