Notice Title

Certificate of Special Partnership

Publication Date
10 Mar 2005


Partnership Act Special partnership certifications

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In the High Court of New Zealand, Auckland Registry
In the matter of Part II of the Partnership Act 1908,
and in the matter of Waimarie Management Limited and Company:
It is hereby certified, pursuant to sections 51 and 54 of the Partnership Act 1908, that:
1. The name of the special partnership is Waimarie Management Limited and Company.
2. The names, addresses, occupations and capital contributions of the General Partner and Special Partners are as set out in the Schedule hereto.
3. The business of the partnership will be to establish and carry on in New Zealand and elsewhere, the business of property investment and management, and to undertake and carry out all other things which,
in the opinion of the General Partner and Special Partners, may be conveniently or profitably undertaken by the partnership, whether or not such things shall be similar in nature to the above object and whether or not the partnership is engaged in the above object.
4. The principal place from which the partnership will be conducted is at the registered office of the General Partner, Ground Floor, 39 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland.
5. The term of the partnership shall commence on the date of registration of this certificate of Special Partnership with the Registrar of the High Court at Auckland and shall end upon the sooner to occur of:
(a) the registration of a certificate of dissolution pursuant to section 62 of the Partnership Act 1908; or
(b) the expiration of seven years from the date of registration of this certificate or, if the term of the partnership shall have been extended in accordance with sections 57 and 58 of the Partnership Act 1908, then the expiration of the extended term.
General Partner
Name and Address Capital Contribution
Waimarie Management Limited, Ground Floor, 39 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland. $Nil
Special Partners
Name and Address Capital Contribution
Waimarie Corporate Trustee Limited, Ground Floor, 39 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland. 80 units in aggregate being $80.00
DWR Corporate Trustee Limited, Ground Floor, 39 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland. 10 units in aggregate being $10.00
AJR Corporate Trustee Limited, Ground Floor, 39 Market Place, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland. 10 units in aggregate being $10.00
This certificate signed by all the Special Partners and the General Partner.