Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

Publication Date
26 May 2005


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices

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The applicant described below has applied, under section 70 of the Land Transfer Act 1952, for the removal of the easements which became redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below. I intend to remove the easements at the expiry of one calendar month from the date of the publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette and provided that there is no objection lodged by anyone before that date.
Application No.: 6387075.1.
Applicant: Addison Developments Limited.
Description of Easements: Right of way easements over part of the land in Computer Freehold Register 166430; marked
“B” on DP 144149, appurtenant to the land in Computer Freehold Registers 119395, 119396, 119401, 119403 to
119406 (inclusive), 161114 to 161118 (inclusive), 161121 to 161138 (inclusive), 142829 to 142833 (inclusive), 142841
to 142846 (inclusive), 156307 to 156323 (inclusive), 193772, 193787, 193788, 193790 to 193797 (inclusive), 193799 to 193802 (inclusive), 193805 and 193806, created by Easement Instrument C269959.3.
Circumstances: Dominant lands have been subdivided on a number of occasions and include DP 329233 and 340492, which resulted in the new Lots on those plans becoming remote from the servient land.
Dated at the Auckland Office of Land Information New Zealand this 12th day of May 2005.
JOEL T. M. FOTU, for Registrar-General of Land.