Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Intention to Take Land for Road—Adjoining Tresillian Avenue, Nelson City

Notice is hereby given that Nelson City Council proposes to take, under the Public Works Act 1981, the land described in the Schedule to this notice (“the land”).
The land is required for road.
The council considers the taking of the land reasonably necessary to enable provision of a road link between the northern and southern parts of Tresillian Avenue, which link is provided for in the Nelson Resource Management Plan.
The owner of the land and those persons with a registered interest in it have been served with notice of the council’s intention to take the land and their right to object.
Every person having an estate or interest in the land intended to be taken may object to the taking of the land by sending a written objection to the Registrar, Environment Court, P.O. Box 2069, Christchurch, within 20 working days after the 14th day of July 2005.
If any objection is made in accordance with this notice,
a public hearing will be heard with the right of the objector to appear and be heard personally unless the objector otherwise requires, and each objector will be informed of the time and place of the hearing.
Any person requiring further information in respect of
this advice should contact Ken Beckett, Fletcher Vautier Moore, Level One, 126 Trafalgar Street (P.O. Box 90 or D.X. W.C. 70-009), Nelson. Telephone: (03) 548 2994.
Nelson Land Registry—Nelson City
Legal Description
0.0042 hectares of land, being part Lot 2, DP 19791 (part Computer Freehold Register NL13A/1255); shown as Section 1 on SO352846.
A copy of the Survey Office plan can be seen at the offices of the Nelson City Council, Trafalgar Street, Nelson.
Dated at Nelson this 30th day of June 2005.
V. R. ALTMENTS, Chief Executive Officer, Nelson City Council.