Under the Reserves Act 1977, the Conservator of the Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy of the Department of Conservation classifies the reserve described in the Schedule as a recreation reserve, subject to the provisions of section 17 of the Reserves Act 1977, and subject to the lease from the Crown to Landcorp Farming Limited under the Land Act 1948, dated 11 May 2005, and excluding all the marginal strips created by the granting of the said lease and subject to lease described in Computer Freehold Register MB5D/1126 (Marlborough Registry) and deeds of easement in gross described in Computer Freehold Register MB5D/1127 (Marlborough Registry) and Computer Freehold Register CB46C/320 (Canterbury Registry).
Nelson Land District—Hurunui and Marlborough Districts
Area ha Description
44,070.113 Parts Section 6, Square 70, situated in Rainbow, Wairau and Alma Survey Districts; Section 1, SO 15300 and Section 1, SO 15320.
Marlborough Land District—Marlborough District
Area ha Description
84,280.820 Parts Run 226 and Run 227, situated in Molesworth, Barefell, Tone and Acheron Survey Districts; Section 1, SO 7206 and Section 1, SO 7202 and Crown river bed, being parts of the Awatere, Acheron and Clarence River Beds.
Canterbury Land District—Hurunui and Marlborough Districts
Area ha Description
52,436.706 Parts Run 345, situated in the Severn, Alma and Percival Survey Districts; Section 1, SO 19494 and Crown river bed, being partsof the Acheron and Clarence River Beds.
Dated at Nelson this 7th day of July 2005.
(File: DOC CO PAL-14-02-413)