Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Land Acquired for State Highway and Use in Connection With a Road (Segregation Strip)—

State Highway No. 1, Ohinewai, Waikato District
Pursuant to section 20 (1) of the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Trevor Knowles, Land Information New Zealand, declares that, pursuant to an agreement to that effect having been entered into:
(a) The land described in the First Schedule to this notice is acquired for road which, pursuant to section 88 (2) of the Transit New Zealand Act 1989, becomes road, limited access road and State highway and shall vest in the Crown;
(b) The land described in the Second Schedule to this notice is acquired for use in connection with a road (segregation strip) and vested in the Crown
on the date of publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette.
South Auckland Land District—Waikato District
First Schedule
Land Acquired for Limited Access Road and State Highway
Area m2 Description
128 Part Allotment 693, Whangamarino Parish; shown as Section 49 on SO 336032 (part Gazette Notice 332096).
627 Part Allotment 24, Taupiri Parish; shown as Section 58 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice S602005).
1521 Part Crown Land, SO 46615; shown as Section 61 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice H871798).
528 Part Allotment 23A, Taupiri Parish; shown as Section 62 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice S586491).
2674 Part Allotment 26, Taupiri Parish; shown as Section 69 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice S602005).
2821 Part Lot 1, DP 31531; shown as Section 76 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice H196291).
2953 Part Lot 1, DP 25121; shown as Section 75 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice H196291).
183 Part Crown Land, SO 46615; shown as Section 80 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice H871798).
Second Schedule
Land Acquired for Use in Connection With a Road (Segregation Strip)
Area m2 Description
1 Part Allotment 693, Whangamarino Parish; shown as Section 50 on SO 336032 (part Gazette Notice 332096).
4 Part Allotment 24, Taupiri Parish; shown as Section 59 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice S602005).
4 Part Allotment 23A, Taupiri Parish; shown as Section 63 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice S586491).
3 Part Crown Land, SO 46615; shown as Section 64 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice H871798).
1 Part Crown Land, SO 46615; shown as Section 79 on SO 336017 (part Gazette Notice H871798).
Dated at Wellington this 1st day of July 2005.
T. KNOWLES, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/2000/5642)