The variations set forth in the Schedule below are variations to Standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code published by the National Health and Medical Research Council in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. P 27, on
27 August 1987, which have been varied from time to time.
These variations are published pursuant to section 23A of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.
These variations may be collectively known as the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 82 – 2005.
These variations commence on gazettal.
[1] Standard 1.3.2 is varied by –
[1.1] omitting from the Table to clause 3, the entry for Biscuits containing not more than 200 g/kg fat and not more than
50 g/kg sugar, substituting –
Biscuits containing not more than 200 g/kg fat and not more than50 g/kg sugars 35 g thiamineriboflavinniacinvitamin B6vitamin Efolatecalciumironmagnesiumzinc 0.55 mg (50%)0.43 mg (25%)2.5 mg (25%)0.4 mg (25%)2.5 mg (25%)100 mg (50%)200 mg (25%)3.0 mg (25%)80 mg (25%)1.8 mg (15%)
[1.2] inserting in the Table to clause 3, Columns 3 and 4, under the entry for Fruit juice, reconstituted fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice –
calcium 200 mg (25%)
[1.3] inserting in the Table to clause 3, Columns 3 and 4, under the entry for Tomato juice, concentrated tomato juice –
calcium 200 mg (25%)
[1.4] inserting in the Table to clause 3, Columns 3 and 4, under the entry for Vegetable juice –
calcium 200 mg (25%)
[1.5] omitting from the Table to clause 3, the entry for Fruit drinks containing at least 250 mL/L of the juice, puree of comminution of the fruit; fruit drink concentrate which contains in a reference quantity at least 250 mL/L of the juice, puree or comminution of the fruit, substituting –
Fruit and/or vegetable drinks containing atleast 250 mL/L of the juice, puree of comminution of the fruit and/or vegetable; fruit and/or vegetable drink concentrate which contains in a reference quantity at least250 mL/L of the juice, puree or comminution of the fruit and/or vegetable 200 mL folatevitamin Ccarotene forms of vitamin Acalcium refer to clause 8refer to clause 8refer to clause 8200 mg (25%)
[1.6] inserting in the Table to clause 3 –
Composite products
Soups, prepared for consumption in accordance with directions 200 mL calcium 200 mg (25%)