Notice Title

Food Standards Australia New Zealand—Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code –

Amendment No. 79 – 2005
1. Preamble
The variations set forth in the Schedule below are variations to Standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code published by the National Health and Medical Research Council in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. P 27, on
27 August 1987, which have been varied from time to time.
These variations are published pursuant to section 23A of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991.
2. Citation
These variations may be collectively known as the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Amendment No. 79 – 2005.
3. Commencement
These variations commence on gazettal.
[1] Standard 1.4.2 is varied by inserting in alphabetical order in Schedule 1, the food and associated MRL for the following chemical –
Grapes T*0.05
