Notice Type
Notice Title

List of Public Valuers

List of Public Valuers Under the Valuers Act 1948
PURSUANT to section 36 of the Valuers Act 1948, publication is given to this list of Public Valuers who, on the 31st day of March 2005, were holders of Annual Practising Certificates. These certificates are current until the 31st day of December 2005.
Dated at Wellington this 11th day of May 2005.
PETE HODGSON, Minister for Land Information.


List of Public Valuers as at 31 March 2005 and expiring 31 December 2005

Column 1—This contains the name of each valuer who, at 31 March 2005, is the holder of an Annual Practising Certificate issued under section 35 of the Valuers Act 1948. A valuer who is registered and makes valuations for members of the public is required to hold a current Annual Practising Certificate in order to retain the full rights of registration.
Column 2—This gives the postal address, either business or residential according to the Board’s records.
Column 3—This shows the date of registration.


Name Address Date of Registration
Algie, Grant Stevenson P.O. Box 1093, Whangarei 23-Sep-1976
Archer, Reuben Arthur James McNally Valuations Limited, 70 Maunu Road, Whangarei 29-Aug-2003
Aslin, Mark Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 1093, Whangarei 25-Jul-1975
Baker, Thomas Stephen Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 1093, Whangarei 1-Jan-1972
Burgess, William Andrew Fraser DTZ Northland, P.O. Box 1444, Whangarei 10-Jan-1972
Eady, Gary Lorimer Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 229, Whangarei 21-Jan-1982
Garton, Russell Herbert Garton & Associates, P.O. Box 5031, Whangarei 20-Feb-1978
Hanlon, Gordon Trevor 10 Pine Road, R.D. 3, Whangarei 27-Oct-1976
Hudson, John Frederick 21A Lovatt Crescent, Whangarei 29-Mar-1971
Kerr, John Franklin R.D. 9, Whangarei 1-Oct-1970
Lucich, Zane Richard Garton & Associates, P.O. Box 5031, Regent, Whangarei 16-May-2001
Malone, Robert John DTZ Northland, P.O. Box 1444, Whangarei 10-Dec-1971
McBain, Malcolm Keith C/– Moir & Associates, P.O. Box 254, Kerikeri 7-May-1993
McNally, Steven Rae McNally Valuations, P.O. Box 699, Kerikeri 12-May-1984
Mitchel, Robert John Moir McBain Valuations, P.O. Box 254, Kerikeri 23-Jun-1981
Moir, Gregory Harold P.O. Box 672, Kerikeri 18-Jan-1979
Nicholls, Alistair Charles Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 1093, Whangarei 9-Dec-1970
Nyssen, Michael Joseph Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 1093, Whangarei 19-Jun-1996
Parker, David George P.O. Box 899, Kerikeri 5-May-1979
Rattray, Douglas Julian Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 1093, Whangarei 7-Nov-2001
Simkin, Dale Leon P.O. Box 825, Kerikeri
Thomas, Gavin Robert Smithville Road, R.D. 1, Kamo, Whangarei 13-Jul-1983
Wiseman, Andrew Paul P.O. Box 1444, Whangarei 11-Oct-1986
Adams, Maxwell Garry P.O. Box 67, Pukekohe, Auckland 11-Oct-1966
Albrecht, Robert Alan DTZ New Zealand Limited, Private Bag 92-079, Auckland 31-Aug-1967
Allcock, Colin David C/– Ascot & Co Ltd, P.O. Box 5459, Auckland 2-May-1984
Amesbury, Philip Raleigh C/– Barratt-Boyes Jefferies, P.O. Box 6193, Wellesley Street, Auckland 24-Oct-1981
Appleton, Arthur 10 Gladys Avenue, Glenfield, Auckland 10 4-Dec-1975
Armitage, Ian Raymond 195 Chelsea View Drive, Birkenhead, Auckland 10 23-Oct-1983
Arnott, Timothy James C B Richard Ellis, P.O. Box 2723, Auckland 13-Feb-2001
Askew, Dean Newman 21 Renfrew Avenue, Mt Albert, Auckland 9-Nov-1999
Bain, Ceri Paula 56 Roland Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 1450 11-Aug-1995
Barker, Lloyd William P.O. Box 15, Orewa, Auckland 7-Sep-1979
Barrett, Robin 43 Allendale Road, Mt Albert, Auckland 14-May-1980
Batley, Alfred John Darroch Valuations, P.O. Box 33-227, Auckland 20-Jun-1978
Beagley, Allen Douglas Bayleys Valuation Limited, P.O. Box 8923, Symonds Street, Auckland 26-Mar-1982
Beasley, Patrick Seton Seagar & Partners, P.O. Box 76-251, Manukau City 2-Apr-1989
Bell, Edward Arthur 4 Tennyson Street, Balmoral, Auckland 1001 17-Nov-2000
Bender, Kevin Andrew 24 Saltburn Road, Milford, Auckland 9 25-Aug-1989
Bennett, Peter Howard 154 Popes Road, Takanini, South Auckland 8-May-1983
Bennett, Robin Graeme 171 Fitzpatrick Road, Manurewa, Auckland 24-Dec-1988
Berryman, Graeme David P.O. Box 15-125, New Lynn, Auckland 23-Aug-1982
Blair, Michael Donald 92 Pacific Parade, Army Bay, Whangaroa 1463, Auckland 17-Jun-2002
Blincoe, Herbert James P.O. Box 2784, Auckland 6-Oct-1964
Borich, Stipe Neil 31A Sylvia Road, St Heliers, Auckland 30-Sep-1985
Borland, Andrew James Westpac Banking Corporation, P.O. Box 934, Auckland 9-Feb-1990
Bower, David Eric P.O. Box 25-141, St Heliers, Auckland 16-May-1977
Bristow, Michael James Bristow Barbour & Walker, P.O. Box 733, Shortland Street, Auckland 20-Feb-1984
Broadbent, Gavin Deane C/– Prendos Limited, P.O. Box 33-700, Takapuna 23-May-1990
Brown, Christopher Mark 588 Redoubt Road, R.D. 1, Papatoetoe, Auckland 13-Jun-1988
Brunsdon, Gary William Sheldon & Partners, P.O. Box 33-136, Takapuna, Auckland 10-Feb-1983
Brunt, Michael William 5/26 Campbell Road, Royal Oak, Auckland 23-May-1971
Buchanan, Matthew David Gower 44 Guy Road, R.D. 1, Warkworth 25-Mar-1985
Buckley, Andrew Ross 43 Church Street, Northcote, Auckland 28-Jun-1993
Canty, Trevor David P.O. Box 34-523, Auckland 10 28-Jul-1978
Carnachan, Richard Neil P.O. Box 74-505, Market Road, Auckland 31-Mar-1981
Carr, Thomas Edward Carr Associates Limited, P.O. Box 44-194, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 8-Mar-1984
Carson, Rochelle Margaret Colliers International, P.O. Box 1631, Auckland 11-Feb-2003
Carter, Michael John 118 Point View Drive, Papatoetoe, Auckland 27-Nov-1978
Carter, Ryan Noel Auckland International Airport, P.O. Box 73-132, Auckland 25-Aug-2000
Catley, Bruce Raymond C/– Trans Tasman Properties, Private Bag 92-029, Auckland 27-Oct-1991
Chamberlain, Charles Nelson P.O. Box 3656, Auckland 27-Nov-1975
Charters, John Winston P.O. Box 1631, Auckland 7-Jun-1975
Cheyne, Gary Michael Extensor Advisory Limited, P.O. Box 1877, Shortland Street, Auckland 30-Sep-1981
Churton, John Alexander P.O. Box 894, Shortland Street, Auckland 20-Sep-1984
Clapcott, Gary John 21 Richards Avenue, Milford, Auckland 9 6-Apr-1978
Clark, James Michael 47 Grampion Road, St Heliers, Auckland 16-Jan-1989
Clark, Michael Ashton P.O. Box 76-251, Manukau City 21-Aug-1982
Clark, Ross Gordon 1 Curacao Place, Howick, Auckland 23-Oct-1973
Clark, Russell Andrew DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 3490, Shortland Street, Auckland 26-May-2003
Clarke, Bradley Robert DTZ New Zealand Limited, Private Bag 92-079, Auckland 26-Nov-1998
Clavey, Mark Stephen Jones Lang Lasalle Limited, P.O. Box 165, Auckland 13-Feb-2001
Cleverley, Cole P.O. Box 8685, Symonds Street, Auckland 17-Jul-1981
Colcord, Ian Ralph C/– Seagar & Partners, Level 9, 17 Albert Street, Auckland 10 6-Dec-1992
Coradine, Rodney 19A Montrose Terrace, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 12-Feb-1976
Cork, Bruce Arthur 148 Harbour Village Drive, Gulf Harbour, Whangaparaoa, Auckland 26-May-1973
Culav, David Anthony C/– Edward Rushton (NZ) Ltd, P.O. Box 6600, Wellesley Street, Auckland 9-Feb-1979
Dann, Robert Edward 1/6 Honeysuckle Lane, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 6-Apr-1975
Darroch, John David P.O. Box 33-227, Takapuna, Auckland 9 5-Oct-1988
Darroch, Neil Kevin P.O. Box 33-227, Takapuna, Auckland 9 8-Apr-1964
Davies, Alan James P.O. Box 302-730, North Harbour 1330 10-Jan-1972
Dean, Stephen Nigel P.O. Box 1631, Auckland 23-Mar-1971
Delbridge, Ian Digby Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 5533, Auckland 27-Nov-1982
Donkin, Bruce P.O. Box 36-238, Northcote, Auckland 9 16-Jun-1979
Dorrington, Brian Braithwaite 36 Oban Road, Browns Bay, Auckland 24-Oct-1981
Doyle, Stephen Luke Bristow Barbour & Walker, P.O. Box 21-322, Henderson, Waitakere City 13-Aug-2002
Dunlop, Stephen George Neville CB Richard Ellis, P.O. Box 2723, Auckland 10-Aug-1999
Dunn, John Patrick 419 East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 10 4-Sep-1976
Edginton, Gordon Bruce Prendos Limited, P.O. Box 33-700, Takapuna 8-Oct-1987
Edwards, Jonathan Graeme P.O. Box 91-894, Auckland Mail Centre 2-Mar-1989
Esplin, Thomas Lewis McDavid Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 5533, Auckland 24-Sep-1970
Evans, Andrew Hardwick Ing (NZ) Limited, P.O. Box 7149, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1036 28-May-1989
Evans, Philip John North Shore City Council, Private Bag 93-500, Takapuna, Auckland 8 Mar-1982
Everiss, David Cameron The Property Group Limited, P.O. Box 104, Shortland Street, Auckland 26-Mar-1987
Eyles, Russell Eyles McGough Limited, P.O. Box 105-272, Auckland 5-Apr-1967
Foote, Patrick Desmond Gribble Churton & Taylor, P.O. Box 894, Auckland 24-Apr-1994
Forrest, Michael Ernest Barker & Morse, P.O. Box 15, Orewa, Auckland 18-May-1998
Furminger, Joanne Leigh 4 Ballini Rise, West Harbour, Auckland 1008 9-Mar-1989
Gage, Malinda Helene Axiom Rolle PRP Limited, P.O. Box 8685, Symonds Street, Auckland 15-Aug-2001
Gallagher, Melanie Rochelle Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 91-602, Auckland Mail Centre 11-Feb-2003
Gamby, Michael Evan Leigh Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 5533, Auckland 4-Mar-1971
Ganley, Roger Martin P.O. Box 5000, Auckland 1 30-Nov-1985
Gardner, Anthony Ross P.O. Box 128-141, Remuera, Auckland 26-Aug-1974
Gaskell, Jonathan Noel Jon Gaskell Valuers, P.O. Box 75, Red Beach, Auckland 17-Mar-1982
Gillard, Anthony Joseph P.O. Box 76-251, Manukau City, Auckland 7-Sep-1973
Godkin, Wayne Donald DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 3490, Shortland Street, Auckland 17-Jun-1976
Gordon, Neil Harry P.O. Box 31-077, Milford, Auckland 8-Jul-1999
Graham, Munroe Lewis P.O. Box 74-229, Market Road, Auckland 11-Oct-1966
Granberg, Michael Eric Colliers International, P.O. Box 1631, Auckland 28-Feb-2005
Greenwood, David John Edwards Valuers, P.O. Box 91-894, Auckland Mail Centre 18 May 1998
Grey, Russell James Barker & Morse Limited, P.O. Box 15, Orewa 22-Jan-1989
Gribble, Iain William P.O. Box 894, Shortland Street, Auckland 8-Dec-1971
Grove, Timothy Deane P.O. Box 45-262, Te Atatu Peninsula, Auckland 23-Aug-1996
Grubb, David John 23 Te Wharau Drive, Greenhithe, Auckland, 1309 9-Apr-1989
Gunn, Ian Mclachlan P.O. Box 87-443, Meadowbank, Auckland 26-Sep-1978
Gunn, Michael Ross CB Richard Ellis, P.O. Box 2723, Auckland 16-May-2001
Guy, Andrew Donald P.O. Box 452, Papakura, Auckland 16-Jun-1975
Hardie, Malcolm David Waiau Pa Road, R.D. 4, Waiau Pa, Pukekohe 5-Apr-1967
Hardwick, Glenn Martin P.O. Box 209, Westpark Village, Hobsonville, Auckland 20-Sep-1985
Hargreaves, Nicholas Robert Jones Lang Lasalle, P.O. Box 165, Auckland 9-Jul-1986
Harsveld, Samantha Jane P.O. Box 1631, Auckland 21-Feb-1999
Hawkes, Robert George 26 Penzance Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 4-Jun-1971
Head, Simon Brian P.O. Box 48-103, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland 7 6-Apr-1987
Heavey, Perry Glenn P.O. Box 105-481, Auckland 2-Jun-1972
Hickey, John Anthony P.O. Box 25-397, St Heliers, Auckland 1005 28-May-1980
Hill, Andrew Alan Lewis 29 Lavelle Road, Henderson, Auckland 28-Feb-2005
Hilton, Anthony Gerald Eyles McGough Limited, P.O. Box 5000, Auckland 1 23-Oct-1963
Holcroft, Melanie Jane 124 Rangatera Road, Birkenhead, Auckland 14-Nov-2003
Holdaway, Linda Christine Q V Valuations, P.O. Box 3698, Auckland 16-Feb-1989
Hollings, Stephen Martin 10 Tarawera Terrace, St Heliers, Auckland 11-Aug-1995
Hollis, Ramon George P.O. Box 121, Wellsford, Auckland 14-May-1973
Hopping, Andrew John P.O. Box 273, Waiuku 5-Jun-1997
Humphries, Dean Brian P.O. Box 25-774, St Heliers, Auckland 19-Apr-1993
Huntly, David Ian 22A Glencoe Road, Browns Bay, Auckland 21-Feb-1999
Impson, Ryan James DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 3490, Shortland Street, Auckland 26-Mar-2003
Irwin, Malcolm James P.O. Box 89, Pukekohe, Auckland 25-Apr-1976
Jack, Stephen Andrew P.O. Box 165, Warkworth 5-Jun-1997
Jackson, Shaun Michael CB Richard Ellis, P.O. Box 2723, Auckland 12-Nov-2002
Jarvis, Graeme Bruce CB Richard Ellis, P.O. Box 2723, Auckland 13-Dec-1981
Jensen, Rex Hemmingsen P.O. Box 28-642, Remuera, Auckland 19-Apr-1968
Jiang, Jessie Hui Fang 16 Waitangi Road, Onehunga, Auckland 2-Jul-2003
Johansen, Roger Gilray 76A Great South Road, Manurewa, 16-Jun-1977
Keeling, Christine Mary P.O. Box 33-676, Takapuna, Auckland 2-Mar-1989
Keenan, Scott David Seagar & Partners, Level 9, 17 Albert Street, Auckland 16-May-2002
Kerr, Weston Walter C/– Darroch, P.O. Box 33-227, Takapuna, Auckland 10-Jan-1976
Kidd, Anthony James P.O. Box 67-083, Mt Eden, Auckland 9-Feb-1998
King, David Matthew 808 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi, Auckland 11-Nov-1997
King, Jeremy David Allen Unit 8, 25 Saltburn Road, Milford, Auckland 31-Aug-1972
Koomen, Diana Maria DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 3490, Shortland Street, Auckland 5-Jan-1986
Laing, Robert William P.O. Box 6193, Auckland 31-Aug-1972
Langstone, Jack Lionel 27 Luplau Crescent, Howick, Auckland 12-Jul-1974
Lawton, Robert David P.O. Box 34-563, Birkenhead, Auckland 4-Sep-1975
Lee, Siong Hoe P.O. Box 91-602, Auckland Mail Centre 2-Sep-1983
Leotta, Nicole Helen Bristow Barbour & Walker, P.O. Box 21-322, Henderson, Auckland 8-Nov-2004
Liew, William Tze Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 3698, Auckland 31-Aug-2004
Littlejohn, Stewart Arthur Axiom Rolle PRP Limited, P.O. Box 8685, Symonds Street, Auckland 26-Jun-1978
Loughlin, Christopher John P.O. Box 94, Piha, Auckland 2-Dec-1986
Lovell, David John 143 Omaha Valley Road, Matakana, R.D. 5, Warkworth 13-Dec-2004
Lyons, Liam Pius P.O. Box 331-492, Takapuna, Auckland 9 23-Jan-1979
Mahoney, Peter James Strategy For Property Limited, P.O. Box 29-181, Greenwood Corner, Auckland 31-Aug-1967
Marinovich, Michael Ivan Civic Valuations, P.O. Box 29-125, Greenwood Corner, Auckland 7-May-1986
Marshall, Penelope Jane Barker & Morse, P.O. Box 300-530, Albany, Auckland 31-Aug-2004
Martin, Russell Hugh Property Valuations, P.O. Box 72-452, Papakura, Auckland 29-Oct-1988
Marusich, Gorran Kruno 2 Huriaro Place, Orakei, Auckland 25-Aug-2000
Maxwell, Geoffrey Richard Bristow Barbour & Walker, P.O. Box 21-322, Henderson 22-Feb-1999
McAuliffe, Dana Andrew C/– R A Purdy & Co, P.O. Box 87-222, Meadowbank 12-Sep-1981
McCabe, Timothy P.O. Box 33-136, Takapuna, Auckland 9 28-Oct-1994
McDonald, Angus Stewart P.O. Box 33-209, Takapuna, Auckland 17-Nov-1980
McEwan, Antony Scott P.O. Box 33-136, Takapuna, Auckland 14-Mar-1980
McGough, Robert Morrin 6 Khandallah Place, Avondale, Auckland 7 28-Mar-1961
McGowan, Ian Robert Seagar & Partners, Level 9, 17 Albert Street, Auckland 30-Jul-1987
McGregor, Gordon Robert 38A John Rymer Place, Kohimarama, Auckland 14-Apr-1980
McKeown, Keith Giles P.O. Box 37-544, Parnell, Auckland 21-Jul-1985
McKinnon, Sally Elizabeth P.O. Box 76-251, Manukau City, Auckland 18-May-1998
McLean, Michael Daniel Bristow Barbour & Walker, P.O. Box 21-322, Henderson, Auckland 17-Nov-2000
McLean, Rene James R A Purdy & Co, P.O. Box 87-222, Meadowbank, Auckland 25-Aug-2000
McNamara, Mark John Colliers International, P.O. Box 1631, Auckland 11-Aug-1995
McNamara, Steven Allan John P.O. Box 31-258, Milford, North Shore City 19-Jun-1996
Mihaljevich, Stephen Gerald P.O. Box 26-374, Epsom, Auckland 25-Feb-1977
Millen, Grant Douglas 2/7 Myrtle Street, Western Springs, Auckland 10-Nov-1999
Milton, Jeremy Alan P.O. Box 280, Whangaparaoa, Auckland 28-Jun-1975
Mitchell, John Bernard P.O. Box 33-676, Takapuna, Auckland 5-Apr-1967
Molloy, Sean Boyd P.O. Box 3490, Shortland Street, Auckland 14-Sep-1974
Molving, Hans Erik Koefoed C/– Barker & Morse Ltd, P.O. Box 15, Orewa 23-Aug-1996
Morley, Howard Louis Arthur P.O. Box 28-510, Remuera, Auckland 5-Apr-1967
Morse, Michael Paul P.O. Box 15, Orewa, Auckland 1-Jan-1981
Moss, Katherine Elizabeth C/– Seagar & Partners, Level 9, 17 Albert Street, Auckland 28-May-1999
Muir, Gary William 52 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, R.D. 3, Albany 15-Jun-1978
Munting, Clayton Thomas C/– Edwards Associates, P.O. Box 91-894, Auckland Mail Centre 29-May-1991
Neil, Garry Colin C/– Housing New Zealand, Private Bag 76-913, Manukau City 30-Oct-1974
Ng, Cheun Yong R A Purdy & Co Limited, 87-222, Meadowbank, Auckland 31-Aug-2004
Nicholson, Timothy Edward 22 Pasadena Avenue, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 26-Nov-1998
Nimot, Michael Lenard Barker & Morse, P.O. Box 300-530, Albany, Auckland 30-Apr-1993
Norton, Mark Andrew P.O. Box 6193, Auckland 6-Sep-1975
Oatridge, Peter Lawrence Indep’t Land & Property Apprsl, P.O. Box 82-027, Highland Park, Auckland 13-Jan-1979
Otten, Linda Louise Landco Limited, P.O. Box 106-249, Auckland 11-Aug-1998
Parkinson, Richard Alexander P.O. Box 14-084, Panmure, Auckland 15-Feb-1975
Parlane, Lindsay Mark DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 3490, Shortland Street, Auckland 27-Mar-1989
Pauling, Leonard John 31 O’Neills Road, Swanson, Auckland 12-Feb-1976
Pelham, Murray Mouat 175A Victoria Road, Devonport, Auckland 28-Apr-1990
Perrett, Guy Anthony The Neil Group, 5 Galaxy Drive, Mairangi Bay, North Shore, Auckland 2-Mar-1989
Peters, Richard Oakley P.O. Box 76-081, Manukau City 23-Dec-1987
Petherbridge, Peter Derald C/– 68 Waimea West Road, Brightwater 7151, Auckland 15-Aug-1979
Pheasant, Roger John 2/143 Somerville Road, Howick, Auckland 26-Mar-1969
Pope, Alan Richard P.O. Box 44-113, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 19-May-2000
Priest, Warren Geoffrey 10 Ascot Avenue, Remuera, Auckland 5-Nov-1979
Puketapu, Hekiara James 6 Ferry Hill Road, Epsom, Auckland 15-Apr-1984
Quinlan, Reid Daniel Seagar & Partners, Level 9, 17 Albert Street, Auckland 05-Sep-1997
Regal, David James Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 5533, Auckland 8-Jul-1990
Restall, Peter William McKibbin 33A Craig Road, Milford, Auckland 9 3-Oct-1967
Rhodes, John Burnet 53 Park Hill Road, Birkenhead, Auckland 30-Sep-1984
Roberts, Alan Dennis P.O. Box 37-544, Parnell, Auckland 4-Aug-1983
Roberts, Stephen Hubert C/– Roberts Martin Valuers, 48A College Hill, Ponsonby, Auckland 20-Jun-1982
Robson, Hugh Thomas 24 Muripara Avenue, Pt Chevalier, Auckland 23-Jul-1986
Rowsell, Maxwell John P.O. Box 68, Warkworth 15-Apr-1976
Rundle, Gerald Ashley Bayleys Research, P.O. Box 8923, Symonds Street, Auckland 23-Feb-1994
Sampson, Stephen Kenneth 6 Harry Human Heights, St Johns, Auckland 5 15-Mar-1976
Sanders, Janet Beth 110 Western Springs Road, Mt Albert, Auckland 3 9-Nov-1999
Sanderson, Andrew Peter 38A Orakei Road, Remuera, Auckland 16-May-2002
Schellekens, John Bernardus Joseph Ernst & Young Corporate Finance, 37 Manawa Road, Remuera, Auckland 2-Apr-1992
Schellekens, Peter Joseph C/– Beca Valuations, P.O. Box 6665, Auckland 25-Apr-1994
Scholefield, Guy William Hardy P.O. Box 165, Warkworth 29-Dec-1971
Seagar, Christopher Neil Seagar & Partners, Level 9, 17 Albert Street, Auckland 9-Oct-1974
Shearman, Geoffrey John P.O. Box 66, Auckland 1 2-Aug-1980
Shepherd, Robert Andrew P.O. Box 25-439, St Heliers, Auckland 1005 13-Jan-1980
Sherrock, Paul Alan Sheldons, P.O. Box 33-136, Takapuna, Auckland 26-Nov-1998
Smith, Albert Rex 7-20 Radnor Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland 5-Dec-1975
Smith, Douglas Maitland P.O. Box 272-1067, Papakura, South Auckland 1-Apr-1963
Smithies, Edgar Brett Extensor Advisory, P.O. Box 1877, Shortland Street, Auckland 20-Jun-1976
Somerville, Bruce William P.O. Box 36-030, Auckland 1-Jun-1974
Sprague, Michael Travers P.O. Box 8685, Auckland 28-Feb-1977
Stafford-bush, Brian Robert 19 Norwood Road, Bayswater, Auckland 9-Jul-1986
Stevenson, Kenneth George P.O. Box 76-081, Manukau City 2-Apr-1974
Stewart, Campbell David CB Richard Ellis, P.O. Box 2723, Auckland 9-Jun-2004
Stewart, Hilton Kerry Foster Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 3698, Auckland 22-Jun-1981
Stewart, Vance Abraham Darroch Valuations Limited, P.O. Box 33-227, Takapuna, Auckland 19-May 2000
Stodart, Diane Meegan Unit 6, 16 Tarawera Terrace, St Heliers, Auckland 10-Mar-2000
Stone, Kim Mckenzie 33 Esperence Road, Glendowie, Auckland 15-Nov-1987
Swan, Richard McGregor Barratt-Boyes Jefferies, P.O. Box 6193, Wellesley Street, Auckland 30-Nov-1981
Taylor, Matthew Gribble Churton & Taylor, P.O. Box 894, Albert Street, Auckland 8-Aug-1992
Thomas, Kenneth Phillip C/– Barratt-Boyes Jefferies, P.O. Box 6193, Auckland 28-Feb-1983
Thompson, Simon Goodwin P.O. Box 99, Warkworth 1-Jun-1975
Todd, Peter David 210 West Tamaki Road, Glendowie, Auckland 21-Feb-1999
Tubberty, Kate Patricia Jones Lang Lasalle Limited, P.O. Box 165, Auckland 11-Feb-2003
Turner, Brian Herbert Brian Turner Property Services, P.O. Box 1807, Auckland 13-Aug-1983
Van, Gilbert Paul C/– Auckland City Council, P.O. Box 6657, Auckland 19-Jun-1996
Walker, David John C/– Bristow & Partners, P.O. Box 521, Kumeu, Auckland 11-Feb-1984
Walker, Trevor Mark Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 5533, Auckland 28-Feb-1985
Ward, Kirstyn Jane 38B St Georges Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland 28-May-1999
Watson, Anna Maree 83 Allum Street, Kohimarama, Manukau 22-Mar-1989
Whalley, Brett Lewis Bayleys Real Estate, P.O. Box 8923, Symonds Street, Auckland 7-Jan-1994
White, Philip John P.O. Box 91-312, Victoria Street, Auckland Mail Centre 5-Aug-1990
Whitehead, Glenda Marie 14 Greenfield Road, Epsom, Auckland 5-Jun-1997
Wiggins, Bruce Martin 2/15 Windmill Road, Mt Eden, Auckland 26-Nov-1998
Wigmore, Henry John 730 Kotuku Road, R.D. 1, Pokeno, Auckland 2-Aug-1987
Williams, Jamahl Philip Darroch Valuations Limited, P.O. Box 33-227, Auckland 14-Nov-2003
Yarnton, Robert George P.O. Box 2784, Auckland 28-Feb-1974
Young, Gary Wayne P.O. Box 17-093, Greenlane, Auckland 28-Nov-1980
Young, Robert Peter Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 5533, Auckland 7-Nov-1962
Allen, Richard Denis 70 Aurora Terrace, Hamilton 11-Aug-1995
Attewell, Glenn Eric P.O. Box 9247, Hamilton North 19-Feb-1979
Beattie, Michael Ian 53 Beerescourt Road, Hamilton 26-Jun-1976
Brooks, John Peter 60 Burwood Road, Matamata 2-Mar-1978
Cullen, John Peter P.O. Box 86, Whangamata 24-Dec-1992
Curnow, Phillip Allen P.O. Box 795, Hamilton 14-Jul-1977
Darragh, John Denis P.O. Box 132, Te Awamutu 6-Jan-1972
Doyle, Adrian Paul C/– Taumarunui Valuations, P.O. Box 416, Taumarunui 26-Nov-1998
Dymock, Wynne Fawdry P.O. Box 4013, Hamilton East 17-Jun-1979
Fergusson, Russell Douglas Milnes Taukoro Road, R.D. 5, Morrinsville 5-Mar-1979
Gerbich, Wayne Noel C/– Attewell Gerbich & Havill, P.O. Box 9247, Hamilton 8-Jul-1982
Glenn, James Leonard P.O. Box 350, Thames 6-Dec-1979
Gollan, Allan Paul R.D. 2, Matamata 16-Jun-1973
Gordon, Roger Brice Philip Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 616, Hamilton 16-Nov-1987
Hamill, Brian Francis P.O. Box 9020, Hamilton North 15-Jan-1971
Havill, Michael James P.O. Box 9247, Hamilton 13-Apr-1986
Hawken, Louis Wallis P.O. Box 130, Raglan 13-Feb-1978
Hilson, Brian John P.O. Box 616, Hamilton 9-Oct-1978
James, Lindsay Thomas P.O. Box 849, Cambridge 6-Sep-1991
Jordan, Michael John P.O. Box 500, Thames 18-Apr-1973
Lewis, Peter James 216A Hukanui Road, Hamilton 4-Oct-1974
Lockwood, Ronald James P.O. Box 9439, Hamilton 8-Feb-1973
Logan-Smith, Kate Carstairs ‘Fordell’, Naike, R.D. 2, Huntly 22-Feb-2002
Loza, Angeline Elizabeth 10B Little London Lane, Hamilton 13-Jul-2004
Lugton, David Bruce Lugton First National, P.O. Box 9450, Hamilton 15-Jul-1971
McBeath, Peter Michael 2160 Maungatautari Road, R.D. 2, Cambridge 2-Mar-1973
McFarlane, Ross Gavin Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 4135, Hamilton East 25-Jun-2001
McKegg, Hamish Murray P.O. Box 1271, Hamilton 22-Jun-1975
Munro, Gregory Ross DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 1442, Hamilton 17-Feb-1983
Newton, Stephen Michael DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 1442, Hamilton 10-Mar-2000
O’Keefe, Kevin Francis P.O. Box 12-583, Chartwell, Hamilton 16-May-1971
Paddy, Michael Cecil Registered Valuation Services, 39 Naylor Street, Hamilton East 18-May-1998
Porter, Geoffrey Ian C/– Townsend Cullen & Assocs, P.O. Box 80, Paeroa 3-Jul-1983
Pullan, Robin Wayne P.O. Box 127, Te Kuiti 2-Apr-1971
Robertson, Leslie Ross Ashworth Lockwood Limited, P.O. Box 9439, Hamilton 20-Jun-1980
Ross, James Robert P.O. Box 9439, Hamilton 13-Feb-1982
Rowan, Nigel George R.D. 10, Hamilton 24-Mar-1975
Sargent, Bruce Neil 8 Colstone Street, Hamilton 29-Mar-1999
Saunders, Douglas John P.O. Box 616, Hamilton 23-Feb-1985
Simpson, Ronald John P.O. Box 220, Te Awamutu 22-Oct-1959
Sloan, Alison Elizabeth Lake Road, R.D. 1, Hamilton 1-Jan-1988
Smith, Peter Marmion 473 River Road, Hamilton 21-Feb-1997
Smithers, Robert Andrew Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 4135, Hamilton East 27-Feb-2004
Smyth, David Ramsay 7 Lake Domain Drive, Hamilton 27-Mar-1968
Snelgrove, Matthew James 12 Manning Street, Hamilton 26-Nov-1998
Sporle, Peter David P.O. Box 442, Hamilton 18-Oct-1960
Stables-Page, Maria Jim Glenn Valuers, P.O. Box 350, Thames 12-Nov-2002
Sutherland, Ian Peter C/– Ashworth Lockwood, P.O. Box 9439, Hamilton 22-Apr-1989
Sweeney, John Laurence P.O. Box 9439, Hamilton 25-Jan-1975
Tizard, Geoffrey William P.O. Box 795, Hamilton 7-Jan-1978
Thomas, Mark Lawrence P.O. Box 93, Cambridge 21-Jul-1977
Urlich, David Ivan Attewell Gerbich Havill Limited, P.O. Box 9247, Hamilton 16-May-2001
Williams, Keith David Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 4135, Hamilton East 15-May-1983
Wrenn, Kevin Phillip R.D. 1, Te Kuiti 18-Feb-1984
Young, Alison Marion Waihi Road, R.D. 1, Whangamata 14-May-1988
Almao, Raymond John Almao & Green Limited, P.O. Box 295, Tauranga 22-Apr-1989
Ashton, Richard George P.O. Box 483, Te Puke 14-Feb-1971
Bailey, Robert William C/– Plaistowe and Bailey, P.O. Box 11, Tokoroa 21-Jul-1988
Balsom, Harley David Property Solutions, P.O. Box 10-317, Bayfair, Mt Maunganui 1-Jul-1994
Banfield, Geoffrey Wayne ‘Weka Hill’, R.D. 1, Taupo 21-Jun-1980
Barker, Anna Louise 568 Papamoa Beach Road, Tauranga 10-Mar-2000
Bennie, James Douglas 37 Ranui Street, Tauranga 1-Dec-1972
Boyd, Christopher David P.O. Box 1544, Rotorua 8-Jan-1987
Boyes, Michael John P.O. Box 571, Whakatane 1-Apr-1974
Campbell, Duncan Ross P.O. Box 571, Whakatane 12-Jun-1981
Chapman, Paula Rene C/– Whakatane District Council, P.O. Box 1002, Whakatane 3-Aug-1992
Chisnall, Dion Christopher C/– 265 No. 3 Road, R.D. 3, Te Puke 11-Feb-2003
Cleghorn, William Alan P.O. Box 2081, Rotorua 2-Apr-1970
Cole, Cyril James P.O. Box 14-228, Tauranga Mail Centre 17-Jun-1979
Corrigall, Hugh Francis 262 Tuhingamata Road, R.D. 1, Taupo 3-May-1978
Coulson, Jason Frank C/– Almao & Green Limited, P.O. Box 295, Tauranga 17-Nov-2000
Craven, Martyn John Reid & Reynolds, P.O. Box 2121, Rotorua 16-May-2002
Doherty, Brian James 782 Ohauiti Road, R.D. 3, Ohauiti, Tauranga 29-Aug-1992
Fisher, Bruce Clapham P.O. Box 998, Tauranga 3015 13-Dec-1973
Gillespie, Gary Ross P.O. Box 2081, Rotorua 1-May-1974
Graham, Ruth Florence P.O. Box 715, Rotorua 23-Jan-1988
Grammar, Shayne Rapley 57 Hall Street, Tauranga 19-May-2000
Green, Leonard Thomas Almao & Green Limited, P.O. Box 295, Tauranga 8-Apr-1964
Grinlinton, Mark William 18 First Avenue, Tauranga 7-Jun-1987
Haden, Alexander Charles C/– Hills Weller Limited, P.O. Box 2327, Tauranga 13-Feb-2001
Hall, Sharon Ruth 15 Janet Place, Lynmore 2-Mar-1989
Harris, Simon Fraser C/– Property Solutions, P.O. Box 14-014, Tauranga 2-Mar-1984
Hayes, Patrick Joseph Reid & Reynolds, P.O. Box 2121, Rotorua 23-Aug-1996
Hill, Graham Wilson Whakaari Road, R.D. 2, Opotiki 8-Jun-1981
Hills, Roger John Hills Weller Limited, P.O. Box 2327, Tauranga 24-Oct-1981
Hinton, Mark Anthony P.O. Box 5281, Mt Maunganui 7-May-1986
Horsley, Graeme John P.O. Box 4329, Mt Maunganui 21-Nov-1968
James, Kenneth Gordon P.O. Box 571, Whakatane 2-Apr-1970
Jenks, Peter Russell Phillips P.O. Box 767, Rotorua 15-Nov-1971
Jensen, Michael John P.O. Box 2081, Rotorua 19-Nov-1973
Kershaw, John Clifford 13A Holdens Avenue, Rotorua 9-Mar-1978
King, Craig Murray Hills Weller Ltd, P.O. Box 2327, Tauranga 21-Feb-1999
Laing, Garth David 529 Devonport Road, Tauranga 2-Mar-1984
Lander, Ronald Bruce P.O. Box 288, Tauranga 28-Feb-1979
Lindup, John Aidan 26 Kings Avenue, Tauranga 24-Aug-1973
Lopes, Garry Desmond Veitch Morison Valuers Limited, P.O. Box 957, Taupo 22-Jan-1989
McAlley, David P.O. Box 514, Taupo 30-Oct-1972
McDowell, Ian Gordon P.O. Box 1134, Rotorua 2-Apr-1970
McLaughlin, Avon Stuart Robert Deep Creek Road, R.D. 1, Reporoa 15-Feb-1979
Middleton, John Le Sueur 1025 Papamoa Beach Road, Papamoa, Tauranga 10-Jul-1978
Morison, Charles Bruce Veitch Morison Valuers Limited, P.O. Box 957, Taupo 30-Oct-1972
Parker, Kenneth Eber P.O. Box 767, Rotorua 21-Nov-1971
Pennycuick, Philip David P.O. Box 14-014, Tauranga 22-Jan-1990
Phipps, Brian Kenneth P.O. Box 679, Whakatane 24-Apr-1983
Power, Michael Peter Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 1544, Rotorua 18-Jul-1985
Pratt, Alastair Haynes P.O. Box 455, Tauranga 22-Oct-1975
Reynolds, Hugh Hunter P.O. Box 2121, Rotorua 11-Jun-1973
Schrama, Richard Anthony P.O. Box 998, Tauranga 4-Jul-1993
Scown, Paul Gordon 18 First Avenue, Tauranga 29-Aug-1987
Shrimpton, Richard Anthony Veitch Morison Valuers Limited, P.O. Box 957, Taupo
Smith, Paul Tate P.O. Box 1111, Rotorua 21-Feb-1999
Tierney, Michelle Kay Bay Valuations, P.O. Box 998, Tauranga 10-Mar-1988
Townsend, David Gregory C/– Knight Frank (NZ) Limited, P.O. Box 947, Rotorua 17-Jul-1982
Utteridge, Grant Anthony P.O. Box 2121, Rotorua 21-Mar-1985
Vane, Derek Peter Bay Valuations, P.O. Box 998, Tauranga 3015 4-Feb-1969
Veitch, James Sinclair Veitch Morison, P.O. Box 957, Taupo 7-Mar-1972
Weller, John Robert ‘Wagin Park’, Snodgrass Road R.D. 2, Te Puna, Tauranga 7-Aug-1989
Wichman, Jeremy Vernon P.O. Box 1544, Rotorua 23-Jan-1995
Black, David Graeme Riverpoint Road, R.D. 1, Gisborne 28-Feb-1975
Bowen, John David ‘Maraetaha’, Private Bag 7205, Gisborne 9-Feb-1998
Bowis, Evan Cuthbert 2 Peel Street, Gisborne 3-Oct-1967
Clissold, Edward Innes 6 Cleary Road, Wainui Beach, Gisborne 5-Oct-1965
Cowper, Bruce Douglas Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 54, Gisborne 20-Apr-1984
Donovan, Michael Kelvyn P.O. Box 1206, Gisborne 21-Aug-1989
Kelly, Roger Richard P.O. Box 1090, Gisborne 9-Oct-1978
Kelso, Gordon Hunter C/– Lewis Wright Limited, P.O. Box 2038, Gisborne 16-Feb-1976
Shand, John Grant 22 Kelvin Road, Gisborne 17-Jun-1976
Tietjen, Graham Douglas P.O. Box 1090, Gisborne 27-Nov-1975
Warren, Andrew Clarke P.O. Box 1315, Gisborne 10-Jan-1972
Wright, Peter Blundell P.O. Box 2038, Gisborne 2-Mar-1971
Aplin, Grant Alan 1272 Tuki Tuki Road, R.D. 12, Havelock North 26-Aug-1997
Bibby, Paul Alan Rawcliffe & Co, P.O. Box 140, Napier 7-Nov-2001
Brabyn, Peter Anthony P.O. Box 182, Waipukurau 3-Jan-1976
Chambers, Andrew Shane Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 572, Napier 26-Nov-1998
Coxon, Terence Robert C/– Harvey Coxon Limited, P.O. Box 232, Hastings 1-May-1981
Devane, Derek John P.O. Box 572, Napier 1-Jun-1992
Gross, Boyd Alastair P.O. Box 914, Hastings 19-Jan-1994
Harvey, William Jens C/– Harvey Coxon Limited, P.O. Box 232, Hastings 3-Jul-1977
Harvey, William Paul Symes Harvey Coxon Limited, P.O. Box 232, Hastings 15-Aug-2001
Hawkins, William Richard Lincoln Downes, R.D. 3, Napier 26-Dec-1970
Jones, Daniel William James C/– Snow & Wilkins, P.O. Box 1200, Hastings 22-Nov-1988
Jones, Glyn Michel P.O. Box 7039, Taradale, Napier 13-Aug-1974
Kitchen, Trevor William Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 572, Napier 15-Apr-1985
Lawson, Michael Desmond DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1045, Napier 4-Jun-1988
Logan, Gerard Joseph P.O. Box 914, Hastings 16-Jan-1982
McPhail, Hugh Newman Morice & Associates, P.O. Box 320, Napier 27-Feb-2004
Miller, Kirsty Louise C/– Harvey Coxon Limited, P.O. Box 232, Hastings 19-May-2000
Mollison, Ian Robert P.O. Box 262, Dannevirke 5-Oct-1965
Morice, Gregory Stuart Morice & Associates, P.O. Box 320, Napier 4-Feb-1995
Morice, Mark Hamilton Morice & Associates, P.O. Box 320, Napier 27-Feb-2004
Morice, Stuart Digby Morice & Associates, P.O. Box 320, Napier 6-Oct-1964
Nagel, David Robert Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 142, Napier 18-Jul-1990
Penrose, Michael Ian Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 572, Napier 13-Dec-1980
Peterson, William Hugh Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 572, Napier 30-Apr-1985
Plested, Maxwell Charles Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 572, Napier 9-Jan-1971
Rawcliffe, Terrence P.O. Box 140, Napier 1-Oct-1969
Reid, John Robinson John Reid & Associates Limited, P.O. Box 7105, Taradale 22-Nov-1985
Remmerswaal, Antonius Cornelis Valuation Plus, P.O. Box 8650, Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay 7-Apr-1988
Shannon, Christopher Charles 18 Nicholl Road, Twyford, R.D. 5, Hastings 18-May-1980
Sides, Brian George Morice & Associates, P.O. Box 320, Napier 7-May-1976
Southgate, Christopher William Okarae, R.D.1, Dannevirke 26-Jan-1979
Spencer, Francis Edwin P.O. Box 914, Hastings 5-Apr-1986
Spiers, George David 13 Kaimata Road, R.D. 2, Napier 19-Mar-1981
Stone, Roger Maurice P.O. Box 914, Hastings 9-Dec-1977
Taylor, David Frederick Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 142, Napier 10-Jul-1976
Turley, Patrick Dean Turley & Co Ltd – Knight Frank, P.O. Box 1045, Napier 8-Dec-1993
Vickers, Robin Mervyn John P.O. Box 7316, Taradale, Napier 12-Jul-1981
White, Andrew Duncan Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 572, Napier 26-May-2003
Wilkins, Kevin Brendan C/– Snow & Wilkins, P.O. Box 1200, Hastings 26-Mar-1969
Wilkins, Timothy James C/– Snow & Wilkins, P.O. Box 1200, Hastings 13-Feb-2001
Arms, Murray Albert 50 Leslie Street, Waitara 14-Jul-1970
Baker, Ian David 21 Hamblyn Street, New Plymouth 10-Aug-1985
Bigham, Catherine Maria Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 322, New Plymouth 26-Aug-1997
Burgess, Ian James 24 Riversdale Drive, New Plymouth 3-May-1978
Charteris, William John Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 322, New Plymouth 5-Jan-1978
Dick, Alister Maxwell Hutchins & Dick, P.O. Box 321, New Plymouth 28-Dec-1975
Gifford, Kelvin Deane 37 Parrs Road, R.D. 1, New Plymouth 10-Jan-1987
Gordon, Ranald Stephen 121 Brecon Road, Stratford 22-Mar-1978
Hodge, Stephen William 39 Richmond Street, New Plymouth 28-May-1999
Hutchins, Frank Labone Hutchins & Dick, P.O. Box 321, New Plymouth 1-Sep-1975
Larmer, John Patrick Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 713, New Plymouth 13-Mar-1970
Malthus, Roger Maurice Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 713, New Plymouth 12-Jan-1973
Mason, John David P.O. Box 779, New Plymouth 28-Feb-1975
Myers, Michael Alister Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 713, New Plymouth 17-Jan-1987
Penwarden, Timothy Guy Hutchins & Dick, P.O. Box 321, New Plymouth 28-Feb-2005
Welch, Anthony Stanbrook Bird Road, R.D. 23, Stratford 11-Jun-1983
Ashton, Guy Theodore Rasmus 72 Warwick Street, Feilding 23-Oct-1963
Attwell, Stephen John Attwell Valuers, P.O. Box 506, Levin 23-Aug-1996
Baker, David O’Brien Baker & Associates, P.O. Box 900, Masterton 4-Feb-1969
Bell, Matthew Jamieson 65A Denbigh Street, Feilding 9-Nov-1999
Bird, Stephen Wayne 35 No. 4 Line, R.D. 14, Ashurst 7-Dec-1995
Blackmore, Geoffrey John Harold P.O. Box 259, Palmerston North 1-Dec-1973
Brown, Donald Christopher Blevins ‘Wai-iti’, R.D. 4, Taihape 3-Apr-1976
Bulman, William David C/– Bulman Valuation, P.O. Box 869, Masterton 6-Oct-1964
Clinton-Baker, Michael P.O. Box 586, Masterton 12-Jan-1990
Dalgety, Fiona Russell ‘Elcho’, R.D. 5, Hunterville 10-Jun-1993
Dowse, Garry Mark 17 Mountain View Road, Palmerston North 5-Jan-1986
Firth, Martin Alexander 25 Lombard Street, Palmerston North 9-Aug-1993
Forrester, Peter Robert P.O. Box 217, Masterton 2-Nov-1984
Fouhy, Martin John ‘Dunmahon’, R.D. 8, Pahiatua 10-Aug-1984
Gadsby, Derek John 1st Floor, Public Trust Building, 86 Victoria Street, Wanganui 26-Mar-1988
Goudie, Russell Neil P.O. Box 156, Wanganui 13-Mar-1970
Gunning, Mark Francis Bayleys Real Estate, P.O. Box 1400, Palmerston North 12-Jan-1985
Guscott, Philip John P.O. Box 586, Masterton 17-Nov-2000
Hawkey, Christopher Carl C/– Knight Frank (NZ) Ltd, P.O. Box 1441, Palmerston North 10-Sep-1988
Henshaw, Michael Robin 64 Parkes Avenue, Wanganui 26-Mar-1969
Hobson, Neil Hugh P.O. Box 755, Palmerston North 8-Aug-1977
Humphrey, Jason Meredith Morgans Property Advisors, P.O. Box 281, Palmerston North 20-Dec-2002
Langley, Timothy David P.O. Box 242, Palmerston North 9-Sep-1988
Lavender, Bruce Donald C/– Blackmore & Associates, P.O. Box 259, Palmerston North 4-Feb-1989
Leahy, Christopher Michael C L Property Solutions Limited, P.O. Box 6068, Palmerston North 5-May-1972
Leogreen, Paul Bernard P.O. Box 9046, Palmerston North 11-Aug-1998
Loveridge, Peter James P.O. Box 259, Palmerston North 4-Jan-1985
Mainwaring, Bruce David P.O. Box 259, Palmerston North 2-Dec-1986
Marriott, David Warrington 3 Cramer Place, Palmerston North 19-May-1974
Mordaunt, Timothy John C/– Property Brokers Limited, P.O. Box 5004, Palmerston North 30-Apr-1979
Pawson, Kenneth Dean Morgan Valuation, P.O. Box 178, Wanganui 2-Jan-1988
Rasmusen, Shane C/– 16 Wairere Road, Wanganui 19-May-2000
Robertson, David Byrne 12 Osborne Terrace, Feilding 29-Jun-1975
Roxburgh, David Plimsoll Morgans Property Advisors, P.O. Box 315, Feilding 18-Jun-1975
Russ, Nelson Clarence 559 Wellington Road, Marton 12-Jul-1968
Rutherford, Fergus Trevor Baker & Associates, P.O. Box 900, Masterton 16-May-2001
Sampson, Brian Henry P.O. Box 5084, Palmerston North 16-Jun-1964
Scott, Nicholas Francis 33 Windsor Street, Palmerston North 04-Feb-1989
Shi, Song Knight Frank (NZ) Limited, P.O. Box 1441, Palmerston North 8-Nov-2004
Shipman, Ian Charles 522 Te Matai Road, R.D. 10, Palmerston North 21-Aug-1978
Spooner, Robert Stuart 1st Floor, Public Trust Building, 86 Victoria Avenue, Wanganui 23-Oct-1986
Thompson, Hunter Grey C/– Blackmore & Associates, P.O. Box 259, Palmerston North 24-Jul-1977
Timmer-arends, John T.A Valuations, 10 Queenwood Road, Levin 5-Jun-1997
Van, Paul Henricus J P Morgan & Associates, P.O. Box 281, Palmerston North 20-Jun-1985
Wagenaar, Anthony Gary T.A Valuations, 10 Queenwood Road, Levin 31-Aug-2004
Walshaw, Andrew Wilson 465 College Street, Palmerston North 21-Feb-1988
Watson, Brett John 38 College Street, Wanganui 22-May-1987
White, Brian Eric P.O. Box 755, Palmerston North 5-May-1974
White, Timothy David Wairarapa Property Consultants, P.O. Box 586, Masterton 12-Nov-2002
Williams, Evan Donald 18 Spurdle Street, Wanganui 5-Oct-1965
Willocks, Simon John Kingsford Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 242, Palmerston North 19-Jun-1996
Alexander, Malcolm Elder P.O. Box 30-447, Lower Hutt 30-Apr-1972
Allison, Stephen P.O. Box 31-505, Lower Hutt 20-Feb-1972
Anderson, Steven Charles C/– Holmes Davis Limited, 132 Woburn Road, Lower Hutt 20-Sep-1992
Arlidge, Richard Stuart P.O. Box 44-265, Lower Hutt 23-Jun-1981
Barnsley, Christopher James C/– Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 2871, Wellington 7-Jan-1990
Bassett, Matthew Donald Dow Corporate Real Estate, P.O. Box 10-747, Wellington 11-Aug-1998
Bevin, Milton John DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 24-Nov-1987
Bills, Hamish John C/– Lockwood & Associates, P.O. Box 10-773, Wellington 1-Jan-1990
Blucher, Kenneth John DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 29-Dec-1984
Brady, Adrian John C/– Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 2871, Wellington 14-Jun-1973
Brown, Andrew Craig Jones Lang Lasalle, P.O. Box 10-343, Wellington 27-Jun-1993
Buckeridge, Kerry Edmund 41 Durham Street, Brooklyn, Wellington 25-May-1995
Bunt, William Donald C/– CB Richard Ellis (Wgtn) Ltd, P.O. Box 5053, Wellington 20-Mar-1981
Butchers, Paul Richard 45 Tanera Crescent, Brooklyn, Wellington 16-Aug-1991
Callaghan, Marie Ann 58 Oakleigh Street, Lower Hutt 28-Dec-1988
Cameron, Robert John C/– Wareham Cameron & Co Limited, P.O. Box 3531, Wellington 12-May-1991
Card, Bernard Albert Roy P.O. Box 5349, Wellington 23-Oct-1973
Chan, Cho Yam CYC Valuations Limited, 209 The Terrace, Wellington 13-Feb-2001
Chung, Richard 5 Mantell Street, Seatoun, Wellington 17-Oct-1993
Cooper, Kelvin John 17 Lochiel Road, Khandallah, Wellington 30-Mar-1965
Daly, Gwendoline Petronella Louise Colliers International, P.O. Box 11-488, Wellington 9-Jun-1983
Davis, Alan Edwin 132 Woburn Road, Lower Hutt 4-Oct-1974
Dentice, Christopher John P.O. Box 1541, Paraparaumu Beach 30-Jun-1969
Dodge, Graeme John 140 Hill Road, Belmont, Lower Hutt 31-Dec-1988
Doherty, William Hilton Axiom Rolle PRP Limited, P.O. Box 384, Wellington 16-Sep-1977
Dow, Andrew Peter Maxwell P.O. Box 10-747, Wellington 1-Apr-1974
Fenwick, Nigel John Axiom Rolle PRP Limited, P.O. Box 384, Wellington 25-Jun-2001
Finnis, David Arthur Mowbray 287A Muritai Road, Eastbourne, Wellington 8-Nov-1984
Forgie, Blair Martin Amp Capital Investors, P.O. Box 3764, Wellington 10-Nov-1999
Foster, Graeme Thomas P.O. Box 57-085, Mana, Wellington 1-Oct-1969
Geill, Pieter Michael Charles Q V Valuations, P.O. Box 5098, Lambton Quay, Wellington 18-Jun-1989
Gibson, Bethia Margaret 8 The Topdeck, Whitby, Wellington 4-Nov-1990
Gillanders, Malcolm Stanley Nathan Stokes Gillanders, P.O. Box 30-260, Lower Hutt 26-Apr-1986
Goodson, Timothy Charles 27 Dunns Street, Silverstream, Upper Hutt 12-Jun-1998
Gordon, Earl Francis P.O. Box 10-135, Wellington 8-Jan-1971
Grant, Bryce Forbes P.O. Box 1541, Paraparaumu Beach 18-Aug-1991
Halstead, Graham Allan P.O. Box 28-035, Wellington 30-Jun-1969
Hanna, Malcolm Russell P.O. Box 6741, Wellington 23-Apr-1965
Heslop, Sharon Wendy Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 5098, Wellington 16-Feb-1991
Hollows, Jonathon Andrew Lockwood & Associates, P.O. Box 10-773, Wellington 12-Nov-2002
Horsley, Michael Antony Colliers International, P.O. Box 11-488, Wellington 15-Jun-1979
Hyder, Andrew John P.O. Box 13-608, Johnsonville, Wellington 24-Jul-1977
Kirkcaldie, Graeme Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 2871, Wellington 30-Jun-1972
Knight, Stuart Victor John Valuation Consultants Limited, P.O. Box 9018, Wellington 13-Nov-2000
Lindsay, William 1 Charles Street, Upper Hutt 26-Feb-1982
Lochead, Jason Charles Axiom Rolle PRP Limited, P.O. Box 384, Wellington 1-Oct-1992
Lockwood, Nigel Edwin P.O. Box 10-773, The Terrace, Wellington 7-Feb-1989
Logan, Spencer David 10 Tui Road, Days Bay, Wellington 12-Jun-1977
McAlister, Allen Lindsay P.O. Box 2871, Wellington 23-Oct-1963
McCulloch, Murray Ian McCulloch & Associates, P.O. Box 10-912, Wellington 16-Apr-1992
McIntyre, Peter Anthony 34 Brook Street, Waterloo, Lower Hutt 9-Feb-1998
McKay, Kellie Anne Colliers International, P.O. Box 11-488, Wellington 16-May-2001
McKeefry, Jerome Henry Andrew 20B Welland Place, Owhiro Bay, Wellington 26-Nov-1998
Mitchell, Ian Eric DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 14-Mar-1986
Mudge, Brian Samuel Inverwell Consultancy, P.O. Box 10-271, Wellington 8-Aug-1977
Nanson, Jonathan Richard P.O. Box 13-581, Wellington 5-Jan-1989
Noble, Andrew 90 Horoeka Street, Stokes Valley 6008 16-Sep-1991
Nyberg, Christian Wayne DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 23-Jan-1971
O’Connor, Nicola Jane 36 Invercargill Drive, Lower Hutt 16-May-2001
Orchard, Christopher Stuart Axiom Rolle PRP Limited, P.O. Box 384, Wellington 20-May-1982
Parker, Jon DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 5-Jun-1997
Patete, Christpher Andrew 46A Haumia Street, Johnsonville, Wellington 21-Feb-1999
Percival, Brett Stephen P.O. Box 40-575, Upper Hutt 14-Mar-1984
Preston, David Wayne 27 Haining Street, Te Aro, Wellington 3-Jun-1971
Robertson, Malcolm John 18 Ihakara Street, Paraparaumu 10-Sep-1986
Royal, Darryl Kerehi C/– P.O. Box 50-754, Porirua 12-May-1993
Russell, Tom Lindsay 37 Main Road, Titahi Bay 21-Apr-1983
Senior, Philip Wayne CB Richard Ellis (Wgtn) Ltd, P.O. Box 5053, Wellington 15-Nov-1982
Simpson, David Mills C/– David Simpson Valuations, P.O. Box 9006, Wellington 13-Apr-1965
Simpson, Jeremy Alan Tse Wall Arlidge, P.O. Box 9447, Wellington 22-May-2002
Sisk, William Edward 57 Joseph Banks Drive, Whitby 15-Oct-1994
Sluyter, Peter Joseph Axiom Rolle PRP Limited, P.O. Box 384, Wellington 23-Aug-1996
Smith, Gerald Hathaway P.O. Box 8, Paekakariki 27-Mar-1968
Smith, Nina Elaine C/– P.O. Box 2269, Wellington 11-Aug-1998
Soanes, Gerald Francis Landcorp Farming, P.O. Box 5349, Wellington 30-Jun-1972
Spicer, Russell Brent P.O. Box 31-233, Lower Hutt 4-Apr-1985
Spring, Mark Thomas 7/38A Roxburgh Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington 4-Mar-1992
Stanley, John David CB Richard Ellis, P.O. Box 5053, Wellington 11-Jun-1977
Stewart, Arthur Geoffrey DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 30-Mar-1965
Stigter, Frits 193 Cockayne Road, Khandallah, Wellington 27-Mar-1985
Stokes, Stephen Murray Nathan Stokes Gillanders, P.O. Box 6524, Wellington 30-Jun-1977
Tonks, Kenneth John C/– Tse Wall Arlidge Ltd, P.O. Box 9447, Wellington 22-Dec-1974
Truebridge, Timothy Michael DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 19-Sep-1987
Veale, Martin John P.O. Box 2871, Wellington 25-Jun-1988
Wall, Dale Steven C/– Tse Wall Arlidge Limited, P.O. Box 9447, Wellington 22-Jun-1981
Washington, Andrew Philip C/– DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 1545, Wellington 11-Feb-1989
Webb, Alan Wilmore 131 Queens Drive, Lower Hutt 14-Jul-1970
Whitaker, Brian Joseph P.O. Box 51, Waikanae 30-Aug-1987
Wilson, Steven James 38 Mahaki Road, Paraparaumu 10-Apr-1979
Baxendine, Roderick Walker Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 621, Nelson 17-Feb-1989
Beatson, Craig Guthrie Kaisami Long Beatson & Associates, P.O. Box 51, Motueka 1-Feb-2003
Beatson, Richard John Guthrie Ngatimoti, R.D. 1 Motueka, Nelson 11-Dec-1974
Bennison, Richard Duke & Cooke Ltd, 42 Halifax Street, Nelson 30-Jun-1984
Bowie, Kim David P.O. Box 144, Nelson 12-Feb-1992
Butterworth, Geoffrey Ross Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 3021, Richmond, Nelson 12-Jun-1981
Curry, James Hugh P.O. Box 65, Blenheim 16-Jan-1971
Fitzgibbon, Hugh Anthony Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 3021, Richmond, Nelson 19-May-2000
Fraser, Lindsay Gordon P.O. Box 830, Blenheim 6-Oct-1971
Gallagher, Catherine Rose 77 McLauchlan Street, Blenheim 26-Nov-1998
Gowans, Anthony William P.O. Box 621, Nelson 10-Jun-1973
Grant, Alastair Nigel Garden Valley, R.D. 1 Brightwater, Nelson 7-Feb-1975
Halstead, Brian Ernest P.O. Box 1106, Nelson 9-Jul-1976
Hancock, John Lloyd Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 3021, Richmond, Nelson 5-Jan-1986
Hayward, Alexander Charles P.O. Box 768, Blenheim 1-Mar-1978
Hyde, Martin Andrew P.O. Box 144, Nelson 23-Oct-1996
Knight, Donald Lewis Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 3021, Richmond, Nelson 22-Aug-1975
Kolff, Louis Mathias 53 Torlesse Street, Nelson 16-Jan-1971
Lauchlan, Murray Wellesley Duke & Cooke Limited, 42 Halifax street, Nelson 17-Nov-1976
McKeage, Ian Douglas P.O. Box 621, Nelson 7-Feb-1985
Newdick, Lindsay Alan P.O. Box 830, Blenheim 13-Mar-1970
Noonan, Peter Michael Duke & Cooke Limited, 42 Halifax Street, Nelson 3-Apr-1976
O’Malley, Marcus Lynn Duke & Cooke Limited, 42 Halifax Street, Nelson 23-Aug-1996
Oxenham, Frederick William Hadley & Lyall Limited, P.O. Box 65, Blenheim 6-Jun-1982
Paul, Brian Eric Telfer Young Limited, P.O. Box 621, Nelson 9-Jun-1983
Riepen, Vincent Albert 41 Seaton Street, Nelson 5-Feb-1988
Robinson, Arthur Neil 11A Westerham Place, Nelson, 11-Oct-1966
Rowe, Barry Allan Duke & Cooke Limited, 42 Halifax Street, Nelson 29-May-1988
Rowse, Sarah Elizabeth 144 Scott Street, Blenheim 2-Oct-1991
Sampson, James Frederick 16 John Street, Blenheim 24-Jun-1974
Stark, David John P.O. Box 768, Blenheim 7-Jul-1983
Steele, Bridget Deborah C/– B. Pattie, Hauwai, R.D. Seddon, Marlborough 11-Aug-1995
Trueman, John Edward 230 Weld Street, Blenheim 15-Apr-1983
Van, Luke Joseph C/– Marlborough District Council, P.O. Box 443, Blenheim 27-Sep-1991
Alexander, Pita Shand P.O. Box 27-093, Christchurch 17-Mar-1966
Anderson, Haki Riini James P.O. Box 67, Rolleston, Christchurch 6-Jun-1994
Anderson, William Wayne P.O. Box 13-570, Christchurch 1-Dec-1974
Armstrong, Donn James 30 Newbridge Place, Ilam, Christchurch 29-Oct-1969
Aubrey, Vernon Clarke Wilson Parking, P.O. Box 22-608, High Street, Christchurch 19-Jun-1991
Barraclough, Christopher Charles DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 142, Christchurch 26-Oct-1978
Barrett, Darryl James 79 Yaldhurst Road, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 28-May-1999
Beatson, Mark Andrew P.O. Box 2532, Christchurch 5-Apr-1986
Bennett, William Daniel DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 142, Christchurch 19-Feb-1974
Black, Herbert David Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 26-May-1978
Blackburn, Peter Grosvenor R.D. 2, River Road, Christchurch 23-Sep-1977
Blackman, Brian Joseph C/– Coast Valuations Limited, P.O. Box 238, Greymouth 8-Dec-1976
Blake, William P.O. Box 13-341, Christchurch 20-Jul-1979
Bodger, Brendon Maxwell Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 10-Feb-1984
Boyd, Dougal Peter The Windmill Centre, 184 Clarence Street, Christchurch 21-Mar-1990
Bridges, Christopher James Goodearth Matters Consulting, P.O. Box 2150, Christchurch 13-Sep-1984
Brookland, Colin Wayne 115 Eastern Terrace, Beckenham, Christchurch 28-Dec-1994
Bunt, Ian Harcourt Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 5-Mar-1974
Burnett, Graham Leslie Burton 493 Springston Rolleston Road, R.D. 5, Christchurch 10-Feb-1972
Butler, Nikolas James Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 18-May-1998
Campen, Stephen Neil DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 142, Christchurch 14-Jan-1988
Chapman, Richard Oliver P.O. Box 43, Christchurch 11-Apr-1985
Collings, Lance Owen DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 142, Christchurch 26-Mar-1987
Connelly, Michael James P.O. Box 25-191, Christchurch 4-Jan-1991
Cook, Peter John C/– Simes Valuation, P.O. Box 13-341, Christchurch 28-Jun-1976
Crighton, Timothy Alan Crighton Anderson & Associates, P.O. Box 13-804, Christchurch 16-Apr-1989
Croft, Cedric Spencer 116 Somerfield Street, Somerfield, Christchurch 8-Jul-1976
Cummings, Martin Rex H G Livingstone, P.O. Box 13-478, Christchurch 27-Sep-1979
Curry, Patrick John 6 Willock Street, Kaiapoi 5-Jan-1973
Davison, Richard Wayne ‘Blakiston’, Culverden, North Canterbury 8-Jul-1999
Den Hollander, Cornelis Den Hollander Martin, P.O. Box 7304, Christchurch 21-Jun-1979
Dench, Barry Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 30-Dec-1971
Doecke, Carol Ann National Bank of New Zealand, P.O. Box 121, Christchurch 1-Feb-2002
Dow, Mark Stephen Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 22-Jan-1990
Dunbar, Mark Gregory P.O. Box 2532, Christchurch 12-Jan-1986
Edwards, Natalie Paula Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 18-May-1998
Ellis, Murray Wayne 137 Hussey Road, Christchurch 5 23-Apr-1973
Elvidge, John Victor DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 142, Christchurch 5-Jun-1997
Evans, Roy Norman 491 Tram Road, Kaiapoi 8252 10-Apr-1979
Faulkner, Loretta Marie P.O. Box 30-033, Christchurch 2 23-Feb-1991
Findlay, Craig Duncan HP Hanna & Company, P.O. Box 2266, Christchurch 7-Jul-1989
Fleming, Bevan Todd Valuation Solutions, P.O. Box 27-283, Christchurch 11-Nov-1997
Foster, Mark Peter BBK Property, P.O. Box 178, Christchurch 17-Mar-1988
Fox, Christopher Charles 33 Thornlea Place, Halswell, Christchurch 3 18-Apr-1970
Gibb, John Douglas P.O. Box 445, Rangiora, North Canterbury 20-Nov-1981
Gibbons, Richard William 6 Rydal Street, Christchurch 18-Dec-1981
Giera, Murray David Giera & Associates, P.O. Box 29-503, Christchurch 24-Nov-1980
Glassey, Warren James P.O. Box 13-478, Christchurch 1-Nov-1981
Gregson, David Arthur 448A Harewood Road, Harewood, Christchurch 8005 13-Apr-1989
Hagan, Kenneth Cameron 14 Elmwood Road, Christchurch 5 16-Jun-1964
Halliburton, Bruce Alexander P.O. Box 3001, Christchurch 21-Nov-1968
Hallinan, Roger Ernest P.O. Box 6204, Christchurch 25-Sep-1970
Hamilton, Hugh Macfarlane Meridian Energy, P.O. Box 2454, Christchurch 9-Feb-1996
Hargreaves, David Cameron P.O. Box 178, Christchurch 19-Jun-1996
Harris, David William Fright Aubrey, P.O. Box 966, Christchurch 21-Mar-1980
Harris, Evan Eric P.O. Box 13-478, Christchurch 6-Aug-1976
Hines, Peter James C/– Coast Valuations Limited, P.O. Box 238, Greymouth 18-Feb-1984
Hodder, Lindsay Craig 12 Delaware Crescent, Christchurch 29-Jul-1993
Johnston, Roger Andrew Simes Valuations, P.O. Box 13-341, Christchurch 24-Oct-1974
Keenan, Kerry Bradley DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 142, Christchurch 14-Jul-1976
Kingston, Gavin Thomas George The Property Group Limited, P.O. Box 2014, Christchurch 16-Jun-1974
Knight, Gill Donald P.O. Box 8030, Christchurch 14-Jan-1983
Knight, Richard James P.O. Box 178, Christchurch 31-May-1976
Lowe, Patricia Joy Beca Valuations Limited, P.O. Box 13-960, Christchurch 19-Apr-1991
Marks, Thomas Ian T I Marks, Halkett Road, R.D. 1, Christchurch 30-Mar-1965
Martin, Alexander Barr Den Hollander Martin, P.O. Box 7304, Christchurch 28-Apr-1985
Masterton, Gary Lyle 217/3 Bells Road, West Melton, R.D. 1, Christchurch 29-May-1980
McCulloch, Scott Thomas IHC Properties, P.O. Box 1729, Christchurch 26-Jul-1992
McDonald, Graeme John DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 142, Christchurch 13-Jul-1983
McSkimming, Mark Andrew P.O. Box 13-341, Christchurch 6-Dec-1983
Miles, Brent William Glass Miles, P.O. Box 8991, Riccarton, Christchurch 22-Nov-1982
Mills, Paul Thomas Crighton Anderson & Associates, P.O. Box 13-804, Christchurch 29-May 2001
Milne, Denis James North Canterbury Valuations, P.O. Box 138, Rangiora 22-Apr-1972
Mossman, Michael Dillworth ‘Achray’, Green Road, Rotherham, North Canterbury 8-Feb-1973
Naylor, Terrence John P.O. Box 43, Christchurch 25-Nov-1989
Newberry, Simon Eric John P.O. Box 43, Christchurch 28-Feb-1991
Parkyn, Andrew Francis P.O. Box 292, Christchurch 14-Nov-1991
Patterson, Robert William P.O. Box 29-049, Christchurch 5 8-Aug-1975
Penman, Wilson Alexander P.O. Box 17-694, Christchurch 14-Mar-1978
Penny, Malcolm Robert 30 Russley Road, Christchurch 9-Nov-1999
Quaife, Geoffrey Stephen P.O. Box 2603, Christchurch 17-Nov-1983
Radovonich, John Lewis P.O. Box 43, Christchurch 5-Jan-1989
Rankin, David Hugo P.O. Box 13-478, Christchurch 15-Jul-1983
Roberts, Anthony Craig P.O. Box 13-478, Christchurch 17-Feb-1984
Rosevear, Joseph P.O. Box 34-006, Christchurch 27-Jun-1982
Ryan, John Andrew P.O. Box 2532, Christchurch 10-Jul-1978
Ryder, Steven James Den Hollander Martin, P.O. Box 7304, Christchurch 20-Nov-1983
Saunders, Errol Mervyn P.O. Box 43, Christchurch 15-Oct-1980
Schaper, Michael Roger Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 4-Feb-1978
Sellars, Gary Russell P.O. Box 966, Christchurch 3-Nov-1977
Shalders, Mark Spencer 134 Chapter Street, St Albans, Christchurch 5-Jun-1983
Skews, Ronald Wayne P.O. Box 16-660, Christchurch 9-Feb-1973
Smith, Kenneth Dougal Crighton Anderson & Associates, P.O. Box 13-804, Christchurch 29-May-2001
Smith, Philip John P.O. Box 178, Christchurch 23-Jun-1981
Smits, Gail Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 13-443, Christchurch 24-Dec-1980
Sprenger, Victoria Louise 32 Clark Street, Sumner, Christchurch 11-Aug-1998
Stanley, Christopher Neil P.O. Box 2532, Christchurch 11-Feb-1983
Stewart, Alan James Alan Stewart Property Services, P.O. Box 7709, Christchurch 19-Jun-1972
Stewart, Fiona Mary P.O. Box 13-341, Christchurch 11-Aug-1998
Sunderland, Andrew Denis Metro Valuations Limited, P.O. Box 25-304, Christchurch 5-Jun-1997
Tappenden, John Chalmers Telfer Young Limited (Sthn), P.O. Box 2532, Christchurch 7-Jun-1980
Telfer, Ian Robert Telfer Young Limited (Sthn), P.O. Box 2532, Christchurch 3-Oct-1967
Thompson, Peter Albert 22A Taupata Street, Redcliffs, Christchurch 8 28-May-1976
Toohill, Michael Gregory H G Livingstone Limited, P.O. Box 13-478, Christchurch 26-Nov-1998
Trolove, William Graeme 11 Doncaster Street, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch 8004 21-Jul-1985
Western, Richard Ambrose C/– Ford Baker Valuation, P.O. Box 43, Christchurch 23-Aug-1996
Wilkinson, Philip Walter Simes Limited, P.O. Box 13-341, Christchurch 30-Nov-1981
Williams, Barry Noel Williams & Associates, P.O. Box 8668, Christchurch 28-Jul-1982
Binnie, Stephen William George P.O. Box 4043, Timaru 12-Jun-1981
Carter, Roger Leonard Carter & Associates, 49 George Street, Timaru 2-Jul-1981
Chisnall, Alan William Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 6, Timaru 4-Sep-1983
Cunneen, Paul James C/– Colin McLeod & Associates, P.O. Box 119, Ashburton 17-May-1985
Eaton, Hugh Duff 5 Baker Street, Ashburton 8300 17-Apr-1994
Engelbrecht, Robert Lester P.O. Box 255, Ashburton 17-Feb-1977
Fairbrother, Ian Ross Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 6, Timaru 9-Jun-1980
Harnett, Robert Anthony Wrightsons Real Estate, P.O. Box 354, Ashburton 25-Jun-1989
Hood, Tony Bernard Gordons Valley Road, R.D. 2, Timaru 5-Jan-1985
Laming, Michelle Lynda Schrader Wilson, P.O. Box 843, Timaru 22-May-2002
McBride, Ian Robert 159 Harrison Street, Ashburton 30-Nov-1986
Montgomery, David Ray C/– Agribusiness Consultants, P.O. Box 584, Ashburton 2-Jun-1974
Morton, Gerald Austin P.O. Box 36, Timaru 8-Aug-1980
Polson, Ross William Wakanui Road, R.D. 7, Ashburton 12-May-1984
Schrader, Lindsay Grant P.O. Box 843, Timaru 5-May-1984
Sim, Alan James ‘Willowbrook’, R.D. 1, Ashburton 14-Jan-1971
Taylor, Callum James Carter & Associates, 49 George Street, Timaru 16-May-2001
Ward, Michelle Joan ‘Strathearn’, Milford, R.D. 26, Temuka, South Canterbury 7-Feb-1993
Ward-Smith, Raymond Alan C/– Knight Frank (NZ) Ltd, P.O. Box 564, Timaru 12-Jul-1968
Wills, Alexander Leslie Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 6, Timaru 3-Jul-1988
Wilson, Ronald Bruce P.O. Box 38, Timaru 15-Aug-1975
Wing, Alistair Keith P.O. Box 5, Ashburton 14-Jan-1979
Aldis, John Charles P.O. Box 12-042, Maori Hill, Dunedin 24-Dec-1980
Barnsley, Derek Michael Mike Barnsley Valuation, P.O. Box 135, Mosgiel 28-Aug-1980
Bezett, Darren James Macpherson Valuations, P.O. Box 497, Dunedin 11-Aug-1998
Briscoe, Joseph Wade 2 Collins Street, Wanaka, Central Otago 5-Oct-1965
Cairns, Stephen Gerard C/– DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 5744, Dunedin 9-Jul-1986
Chapman, Anthony Gerard Chapman Consultancy, P.O. Box 5056, Dunedin 13-Nov-1986
Croot, Trevor James Faris Marlow, P.O. Box 1104, Dunedin 9-Jun-1972
Dick, Timothy Russell P.O. Box 497, Dunedin 20-Aug-1988
Dunckley, John DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 5744, Dunedin 18-Dec-1976
Fletcher, John Archibald P.O. Box 497, Dunedin 25-Jun-1973
Graham, Robin Donald 227 York Place, City Rise, Dunedin 29-Aug-2003
Gray, Murray Stephen University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin 4-Jan-1991

Name Address Date of Registration
Guild, Warwick Duckworth P.O. Box 7024, Dunedin 14-May-1972
Harris-Rhodes, Grant Michael 29 Stour Steet, Oamaru 21-Feb-1999
Harvey, Ian George Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 215, Dunedin 7-Jan-1982
Isbister, Graeme Alexander 18 CRD, Oamaru 20-May-1978
Johnson, David Robert Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 215, Dunedin 1-Mar-1982
Jones, Gordon P.O. Box 962, Dunedin 25-May-1973
Laing, Alexander Philip P.O. Box 5700, Dunedin 2-Apr-1965
Langrish, Neville John P.O. Box 24, Oamaru 10-Jan-1974
Miller, Richard Hugh P.O. Box 5041, Dunedin 13-Aug-2002
Mitchell, Sarah Elizabeth Keddell Road, R.D. 3, Alexandra 19-Jun-1996
Moore, Malcolm Frederick P.O. Box 247, Alexandra 22-Dec-1973
Murray, Philip Hunter DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 27, Alexandra 9-Jun-1983
Orchiston, Jeffrey Kenneth C/– Macpherson Valuation, P.O. Box 497, Dunedin 2-Apr-1970
Passmore, Alistair Bruce Bruce Passmore Valuation, P.O. Box 277, Wanaka 2-Mar-1973
Paterson, David Harold Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 215, Dunedin 6-Apr-1984
Paterson, Garry John DTZ New Zealand Limited, P.O. Box 5744, Dunedin 19-Dec-1982
Perkins, Francis Hugh Thomas Hugh Perkins – Valuer, P.O. Box 319, Oamaru 22-Feb-1980
Reid, Warwick James Murdoch P.O. Box 5916, Dunedin 30-Apr-1988
Scott, Warwick Maynard Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 215, Dunedin 21-Sep-1989
Simpson, Gregory Stewart Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 60, Alexandra 15-Jun-1989
Taylor, Janice Helen Barlow Justice, P.O. Box 5041, Dunedin 8-Jan-1990
Taylor, Kenneth Ross DTZ New Zealand, P.O. Box 27, Alexandra 21-Jan-1978
Tay, Yang Lek C/– Barlow Justice, P.O. Box 5041, Dunedin 29-Dec-1989
Van, Anthony Peter P.O. Box 135, Alexandra 22-Jun-1981
Waldron, Shane Gregory 13 Bremner Street, Fairfield, Dunedin 29-Sep-1984
Weaver, Carey John Wyllie’s Crossing, R.D. 1, Dunedin 18-Mar-1988
Weir, Iain William P.O. Box 362, Wanaka 19-Jun-1996
Widdowson, Noel P.O. Box 47, Balclutha 30-Mar-1965
Barron, Grant Russell P.O. Box 64, Gore 22-Jan-1990
Borrie, Lindsay James 7 Boyne Place, Cromwell 9191 4-Feb-1989
Chadderton, Anthony James 262 Kelvin Street, Invercargill 15-Jun-1983
Dowden, Jason William 20 Vera Street, Gore 9700 28-May-1999
Funnell, Paul Hugh P.O. Box 109, Queenstown 21-Nov-1986
Halstead, Murray Richard West Plains, R.D. 4, Invercargill 28-Feb-1973
Lucas, Dallas Bruce P.O. Box 618, Invercargill 2-Apr-1970
Manning, David Langley P.O. Box 1747, Invercargill 16-Mar-1971
Marshall, James Donald Marshall Valuations, P.O. Box 6015, Invercargill 11-Aug-1995
McEvoy, Peter Michael Irving Road, R.D. 2, Woodlands, Invercargill 29-Jul-1984
Milne, Robert Hunter P.O. Box 738, Invercargill 2-May-1988
Minty, Peter William Wrights Bush, R.D. 4, Invercargill 9515 1-Mar-1978
Newson, Jonathan George P.O. Box 67, Otautau, Southland 7-Sep-1973
O’Donnell, Rory James Macpherson Valuation, P.O. Box 416, Queenstown 19-Jun-1996
Palmer, Clifton Denzil Locations Valuation Limited, P.O. Box 717, Queenstown 24-Dec-1992
Reid, AlexandeR.D.ouglas Macpherson Valuation, P.O. Box 416, Queenstown 5-Jun-1997
Ronald, Andrew John Quotable Value New Zealand, P.O. Box 123, Invercargill 21-Feb-1999
Robertson, Barry James Paul P.O. Box 591, Queenstown 25-Jun-1979
Shields, Bruce Robert Centrebush, R.D. 2, Winton 5-May-1982
Simpson, Mark Hamish P.O. Box 423, Queenstown 19-Jun-1996
Thayer, Trevor Graeme P.O. Box 370, Invercargill 16-Feb-1985
Todd, Robert Glendinning P.O. Box 370, Invercargill 19-May-2000
Ure, Murray George Glenham R.D. 1, Wyndham, Southland 30-Dec-1979
Wood, Alastair William Macpherson Valuation, P.O. Box 416, Queenstown 13-Mar-1989