Notice Type
Notice Title

Reappointments to the Legal Aid Review Panel

Pursuant to section 62 (2) of the Legal Services Act 2000, the Attorney-General has been pleased to reappoint
Gregory William Calver, barrister of Havelock North
Philippa Anne Cunningham, barrister of Auckland
Paul Fitzharris, O.N.Z.M., retired police officer of Christchurch
Robert Maxwell Goldsbury, barrister of Wanganui
Belinda Mary Greer, legal advisor of Wellington
Susan Jeanette Lane, company director of Hamilton
Ian Charles McAndrew, university lecturer of Dunedin
Geoffrey Laurence Melvin, barrister of Wellington
Patrick Martin Molloy, barrister and solicitor of Auckland
Elizabeth Dawn Patchett, barrister of Palmerston North
John Gray Robertson, barrister of Auckland
Dorothy Joan Rotherham, solicitor of Timaru
Gail Susan Tanner, mediator and facilitator of Auckland
Ronda Tokona, solicitor of Dunedin
each to be a member of the Legal Aid Review Panel for a period of three years on and from 5 November 2005.
Dated at Wellington this 31st day of May 2005.
BELINDA CLARK, Secretary for Justice.