Pursuant to section 5 of the Industry Training Act 1992,
full recognition is given to the Aviation Tourism and Travel Training Organisation Incorporated to set standards on the National Qualifications Framework at Levels 1 to 10 for the aviation, museum, tourism and travel sectors including:
Aviation – aeronautical engineering, aircrew operations, aircrew training, control of aircraft operation, commercial operations, airport operations, air traffic control and aviation ground support services.
Museum – governance, management and planning (mana whakahaere, mahi whakahaere, hanga tikanga), care and management of collections and taonga (tiaki kohinga, tiaki taonga), public programmes including exhibitions (kaupapa tumatanui), customer service including visitor and market research (wahanga awhina tangata), and relationships with iwi and communities (te mahi tahi me nga huihuinga tangata).
Tourism – attractions, adventure providers, event and conference organisers, retailers, regional tourism offices, promotion boards, visitor information centres, casinos, and tourism related activities of rental car operators, campervan operators, railways and ferries and local bodies.
Travel – travel agents, reservation services, tour wholesalers, inbound and outbound operators’ principal and booking offices.
Dated at Wellington this 6th day of May 2005.
TREVOR MALLARD, Minister of Education.