Notice Title

Advice Notice to General Practitioners Concerning Patient Benefits and Other Subsidies—

Amendment No. 4
This variation amendment No. 4 is made to the Advice Notice to General Practitioners under section 88 of the
New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 (originally issued 1 May 2000 under section 51 of the Health and Disability Services Act 1993) and with the approval of the Minister of Health.
N o t i c e
1. Commencement—This notice applies on and after
5 May 2005.
2. Interpretation—In this notice, the Advice Notice to General Practitioners Concerning Patient Benefits and Other Subsidies is called the “principal notice”.
3. Amendment—(1) Schedule 3 of Part B of the principal notice is amended by revoking clause 4.6, and substituting the following clause:
“4.6 The subsidised fee for the administration of a vaccine episode on the childhood immunisation schedule as set out in the Immunisation Handbook [other than the influenza vaccine] is $18.00 (G.S.T. inclusive). The subsidised fee for the administration of the influenza vaccine is $18.00 (G.S.T. inclusive) plus the purchase cost (G.S.T. inclusive) of the vaccine from the nominated supplier. For the purposes of clarity, a vaccine episode is a visit on any given day for the administration of any number of vaccines. The subsidised fee for immunisations will be reviewed annually [by the Ministry of Health].”
(2) Schedule 3 of Part B of the principal notice is amended by revoking clause 5.5, and substituting the following clause:
“5.5 For all immunisations eligible for a payment of
a subsidised fee, the subsidised fee is $18.00
(G.S.T. inclusive) in respect of each immunisation episode as set out in this notice. The subsidised
fee for immunisations will be reviewed annually by the Ministry of Health.”