Notice of Election to Manage Property
Pursuant to section 101 (1) of the Public Trust Act 2001, Public Trust hereby gives notice that:
(a) William Farley, settler, of Roslyn, near Dunedin, who died on the 20th day of November 1903, is
the registered proprietor of the property described
in the Schedule hereto in his capacity as executor
of the will of Robert Crammond, settler, of East Taieri, pursuant to a grant of probate on the 3rd day of March 1893.
(b) Public Trust elects to become manager of the property, it being satisfied that it is advisable in terms of section 101 (1) of the above Act.
Part Section 36, Irregular Block, East Taieri Survey District; shown as Section 2 on SO 23668 (part Computer Freehold Register OT264/167 limited).
Part Section 36, Irregular Block, East Taieri Survey District; subject to a right of way appurtenant to other part of Section 36 (Computer Freehold Register OT264/132) created by conveyance 39126 (Deeds Register, Volume 50, folio 602) and subject to a right of way appurtenant to other Section 26, Block VIII, East Taieri Survey District and other part of Section 36 (Computer Freehold Register OT264/132) created by conveyance 52070 (Deeds Register, Volume 74, folio 317) (balance Computer Freehold Register OT264/121 limited).
Part Section 36, Irregular Block, East Taieri Survey District; subject to a right of way appurtenant to other part of Section 36 (Computer Freehold Register OT264/117) created by deed of easement 53664 (Deeds Register, Volume 77, folio 311) (Computer Freehold Register OT264/132 limited).
Firstly described land 1661m2
Secondly described land 1248m2 (by deduction)
Thirdly described land 76m2
Dated at Christchurch this 18th day of April 2005.
R. J. CALVERT, Authorised Signatory.