Notice Type
Notice Title

Registered Securities Limited (in liquidation)

Notice of Orders Dissolving Company into Liquidation
In the matter of the Companies Act 1955, and in the matter of Registered Securities Limited (in liquidation):
Take notice that, pursuant to the Companies Act 1955, the High Court at Auckland on Thursday, the 11th day of August 2005 at 11.55 a.m., granted the following orders:
1. That Registered Securities Limited (in liquidation) be dissolved.
2. That the liquidators of Registered Securities Limited
(in liquidation) be released from their administration of the property of the company.
3. That the books and papers of Registered Securities Limited (in liquidation) and of the liquidators be disposed of one year from the date of the order.
Dated this 8th day of September 2005.
JOHN G. TUCK and FREDERICK N. WATSON, Joint Liquidators.
Address for Service: Care of McGrath Nicol, P.O. Box
91-644, Auckland.