Pursuant to the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, notice is hereby given of the making of Regulations as under:
Authority for Enactment Title or Subject-matter Serial Number Date of Enactment Price Code Retail
Land Transport Act 1998 Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 2004/427 6/12/04 73-E $9.00
Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 Health Practitioners (Quality Assurance Activity: Tairawhiti District Health Board) Notice 2004 2004/428 7/12/04 4-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Pukerua Bay Closure) Notice 2004 2004/429 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Western Coromandel Peninsula Bay Closure) Notice 2004 2004/430 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
New Zealand Superannuation Act 2001 New Zealand Superannuation (Political Commitment) Order 2004 2004/431 13/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Biosecurity Act 1993 Biosecurity (Notifiable Organisms) Amendment Order 2004 2004/432 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Resource Management Act 1991 Resource Management (National Environmental Standards Relating to Certain Air Pollutants, Dioxins, and Other Toxics) Amendment Regulations 2004 2004/433 13/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Ozone Layer Protection Act 1996 Ozone Layer Protection Amendment Regulations 2004 2004/434 13/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001 Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation (Earners' Levy) Regulations 2004 2004/435 13/12/04 5-BY $2.30
Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001 Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation (Motor Vehicles Levies) Regulations 2004 2004/436 13/12/04 7-BY $2.30
Local Government Act 1974 Local Government (Infringement Fees for Offences: Auckland Regional Council Navigation and Safety Bylaws) Amendment Regulations 2004 2004/437 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Reporting) Amendment Regulations (No 4) 2004 2004/438 13/12/04 5-BY $2.30
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (South-East Area Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2004 2004/439 13/12/04 5-BY $2.30
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Central Area Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 4) 2004 2004/440 13/12/04 15-CX $3.60
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (PSIS Limited) Exemption Notice 2004 2004/441 13/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Commodity Levies Act 1990 Commodity Levies (Green-lipped Mussels) Amendment Order 2004 2004/442 13/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations (No 5) 2004 2004/443 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Land Transport Act 1998 Traffic Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2004 2004/444 13/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Land Transport Act 1998 Heavy Motor Vehicle Amendment Regulations (No 3) 2004 2004/445 13/12/04 4-BX $2.10
Land Transport Act 1998 Goods Service Vehicle (Constructional) Amendment Regulations 2004 2004/446 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Land Transport Act 1998 Revocation of Transport (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 1990 2004/447 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Land Transport Act 1998 Land Transport (Offences and Penalties) Amendment Regulations 2004 2004/448 13/12/04 45-D $5.35
Land Transport Act 1998 Revocation of Transport (Child Restraints and Seat Belts Approval) Notice 1984 2004/449 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Transport Act 1962 Transport (Amendments to Schedules of Transport Act 1962) Order 2004 2004/450 13/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Transport Act 1962 Transport (Offences) Order 2004 2004/451 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Land Transport Act 1998 Land Transport (Commencement of Repeals) Order 2004 2004/452 13/12/04 2-A $1.60
Companies Act 1993 Companies Act 1993 Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2004 2004/453 13/12/04 46-D $5.35
Securities Act 1978 Securities Act (OM-IP Companies) Exemption Amendment Notice 2004 2004/454 14/12/04 2-A $1.60
Fisheries Act 1996 Fisheries (Auckland and Kermadec Areas Commercial Fishing) Amendment Regulations 2004 2004/455 13/12/04 8-BY $2.30
Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 Health Practitioners (Quality Assurance Activity: MidCentral District Health Board) Notice 2004 2004/456 10/12/04 3-BX $2.10
Criminal Justice Act 1985 Revocation of Community Work Centre (Tui Street (Matamata)) Notice 1998 2004/457 15/12/04 1-A $1.60
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