I intend to rectify the New Zealand Register of Companies, in terms of section 360A (1) (a) of the Companies Act 1993, on the application of the companies named below by removing duplicate documents, deleting or replacing incorrect documents and, where applicable, entering new share totals or otherwise adjusting the Register. Dates are those of registration:
Boston Marketing Limited (055741) - notice of increase of 10,000 shares should have been for 5,000 shares - 8 December 2003.
Central Plains Water Limited (1304001) - notice of increase of 1 share that was not issued - 22 December 2003.
Coker Fruit Company Limited (161260) - notice of appointment of receiver was not registrable as this was for a receiver of income - 15 September 2004.
CTM Services Limited (1202550) - notice of increase of shares was a reclassification only - 19 April 2004.
Hallidays Timber Limited (126011) - duplicate filing for increase of 600,000 shares - 21 April 2003.
Healthpoint Limited (1474728) - notice of increase for 20 shares that were not issued - 25 November 2004.
Ombrellos Restaurant Limited (1073911) - a consolidation of shares to 30,000 was recorded as an increase - 23 December 2003.
Open Country Cheese Company Limited (1174862) - notice of increase of 58,000,000 shares should have been for 58,000 shares - 13 October 2004.
Panorama Limited (1361883) - Russell Hall not appointed as a director - 31 May 2004.
Powerline Communications Limited (1190471) - notice of increase of 9,999,900 shares should have been for 999,900 shares - 19 March 2003.
Rissington Breedline Limited (1152280) - notices of increase of 1,150,817 and 153,929 shares should have been for 1,150,917 and 153,907 shares - 21 November 2002 and 21 June 2004.
SQL Services Limited (674195) - two notices of increase of shares recorded existing shareholdings only - 16 May 2002 and 10 June 2002 - and another referred to 8,000 shares instead of 2,000 shares - 14 August 2002.
Syngenta Seeds Pty. Limited (508410) - notices of change of registered office and address for service were not appropriate to an overseas company - 7 May 2003 and 26 May 2003.
Any person who wishes to object must do so by the 20th day of January 2005, being not less than 20 working days after the date of this notice.
Dated this 10th day of December 2004.
NEVILLE HARRIS, Registrar of Companies.
Contact for Inquiries: 0508 COMPANIES (0508 266 726).
Postal Address for Written Objections: The Registrar of Companies, Private Bag 92-061, Auckland Mail Centre.
Facsimile Number for Written Objections: (09) 916 4559.