Notice Title

Notice of Intention to Correct Register

I intend to rectify the New Zealand Register of Companies, in terms of section 360A (1) (a) of the Companies Act 1993, on the application of the companies named below or as noted by removing duplicate documents, deleting or replacing incorrect documents and, where applicable, entering new share totals or otherwise adjusting the Register. Dates are those of registration:
450 Queen Street Limited (924778) - duplicate filing for increase of 2,260,000 shares - 18 August 1999.
Carpet One New Zealand Limited (659808) - duplicate filing for increase of 99,900 shares - 31 August 1999.
Gordon Production Machining Limited (348446) - duplicate filing for increase of 35,000 shares - 11 April 2000.
Hollands Motors Limited (127228) - notice of increase of 310,000 shares was incorrect - 12 August 2004.
Immorsus Properties Limited (1180030) - duplicate filing for increase of 133,000 shares - 27 September 2002.
Prime Television New Zealand Limited (867645) - duplicate filing for increase of 10,879,193 shares - 31 May 1999.
Strongway Homes Limited (in liquidation) (1169920) - liquidator's first report to be replaced - 11 May 2004 (application by liquidator).
Tesla Consultants Limited (660937) - an acquisition of shares included in a notice of increase was treated as an
increase - 15 June 2004.
The Shellfish Man 2003 Limited (in liquidation) (1295589) - liquidator's first report related to another company - 28 June 2004 (application by liquidator).
Total Paint Limited (1295310) - notice of increase of shares for 1 share for a total of 2 shares treated as an increase of
2 shares - 13 September 2004.
Zorb Limited (679922) - acquisition of 23,250 shares from D. van der Sluis did not take place as notified - 1 April 2004.
Any person who wishes to object must do so by the 6th day of December 2004, being not less than 20 working days after the date of this notice.
Dated this 4th day of November 2004.
NEVILLE HARRIS, Registrar of Companies.
Contact for Inquiries: 0508 COMPANIES (0508 266 726).
Postal Address for Written Objections: The Registrar of Companies, Private Bag 92-061, Auckland Mail Centre.
Facsimile Number for Written Objections: (09) 916 4559.