Notice Title

Land Declared No Longer Required for

Education Purposes
Pursuant to section 5A of the Education Lands Act 1949, and pursuant to an authority delegated to me, I, Paul Dickson Burke, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 18 November 2004.
Area ha Description
0.0640 Part Lots 1 and 2, DP 4339, and being part Section 2, Block I, Oamaru Survey District (all Gazette Notice 343673), Otago Land Registration District.
0.2363 Lot 3, DP 24030 (all Computer Register V1/1207), Hawke's Bay Registry.
0.0735 Lot 13, DP S25128 (part Gazette Notice H188999), South Auckland Land Registration District.
0.2410 Section 78, Block X, Hukerenui Survey District (all Computer Freehold Register 177919), North Auckland Land Registration District, subject to a right of way created by transfer B438873.2, together with an appurtenant right of way created by transfer B438873.2 and a water supply easement created by Gazette Notice B395493.1.
0.1090 Lot 3, DP 47752 (all Computer Freehold Register 164211), North Auckland Land Registration District, subject to Building Line Restriction K75112.
1.0019 Section 1, SO 34420 (all Computer Freehold Register WN37D/605), Wellington Land Registration District, subject to 27B of theState-Owned Enterprises Act 1986, Section 3 of the Petroleum Act 1937, Section 8 of the Atomic Act 1945, Section 3 of the Geothermal Energy Act 1953, Sections 6 and 8 of the Mining Act 1971, and Sections 5 and 261 of the Coal Mines Act 1979.
2.3800 Part Lot 34, DP 9590, Otago Land Registration District (part New Zealand Gazette, 14 July 1960, No. 42, page 909).
Dated at Wellington this 23rd day of November 2004.
P. D. BURKE, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education.