Notice Title

Land Declared No Longer Required for

Education Purposes
Pursuant to section 5A of the Education Lands Act 1949, and pursuant to an authority delegated to me, I, Paul Dickson Burke, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education, Wellington, hereby give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. The land described in the Schedule to this notice is no longer required for education purposes.
2. This notice shall come into force on 14 October 2004.
Area ha Description
0.0845 Lot 15, DP 47752 (all Computer Freehold Register 168065), North Auckland Land Registration District, subject to building line restriction K75112.
0.0809 Lot 17, DP 64067 (all Computer Freehold Register 165199), North Auckland Land Registration District, subject to a drainage easement in gross.
1.7460 Lot 1, DP S12494, part 2B2M and part 2B2M3B3B Tauranga Taupo Block (all Gazette Notices S490171 and S466207), South Auckland Land Registration District.
0.0936 Lot 1, DP S8668 (all Computer Freehold Register 52A/320), South Auckland Land Registration District.
2.0745 Section 6, Block XVI, Waioeka Survey District (part of Gazette Notice 138134.1), Gisborne Land Registration District.
2.2769 Lot 95, DP 27350 and Lot 127, DP 29022(all Computer Freehold Register 36D/499 and part of Gazette Notice 772080), Wellington Land Registration District.
0.0827 Lot 4, DP S3892 (part of Gazette Notice 112640), South Auckland Land Registration District.
2.1146 Closed road, Block XX, Town of Allanton, Otago Land Registration District (part New Zealand Gazette, 4 August 1966, No. 46, page 1235).Part Block XX, Town of Allanton, Otago Land Registration District (part New Zealand Gazette, 22 December 1965, No. 78, page 2334).Part Lot 3, DP 648, Otago Land Registration District (part New Zealand Gazette, 18 November 1965, No. 69, page 2049).
1.9392 Part Lot 1, DP 2680 and part Lot 7, DP 720, Otago Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette, 16 February 1967, No. 10, page 235).
1.6187 Part Section 1, Block XV, East Taieri Survey District (Deeds Index E58, Deeds Book 11, page 358).
2.2806 Lots 3, 4, 5 and 272, DP 8960, Otago Land Registration District (New Zealand Gazette,30 April 1959, No. 25, page 549).
1.4151 Part Section 6, Block XI, East Taieri Survey District (part New Zealand Gazette, 25 May 1989, No. 89, page 2087).
Dated at Wellington this 11th day of October 2004.
PAUL DICKSON BURKE, Group Manager Property, Ministry of Education.