Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Road Realignment-Dunstan Road, Alexandra

Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister of Land Information, Stephen Robert Gilbert, Land Information New Zealand:
(a) Pursuant to section 114, declares that, an agreement to that effect having been entered into, the land described in the First Schedule to this notice is hereby declared road and vested in Central Otago District Council on the date of publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette.
(b) Pursuant to sections 116 and 117, declares the road described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be stopped and, pursuant to section 120 (3), amalgamated with the land in Computer Register OTA1/764, subject to an easement in gross to convey water by transfer 879859 and mortgage 5179880.3.
(c) Declares the land described in the Third Schedule to this notice to be taken, under section 119, and amalgamated with the land in Computer Register OTA1/764, subject to an easement in gross to convey water by transfer 879859 and mortgage 5179880.3.
Otago Land District-Central Otago District
First Schedule
Land to be Declared Road
Area m2 Description
17 Section 1, SO 334710 (part Computer Register OTA1/764).
1968 Section 3, SO 334710 (part Computer Register OTA1/764).
Second Schedule
Road to be Stopped
Area m2 Description
4395 Section 2, SO 334710.
521 Section 4, SO 334710.
Third Schedule
Land to be Taken
Area m2 Description
594 Section 127, Block VII, Leaning Rock Survey District (part Computer Register OT3329).
Dated at Christchurch this 10th day of September 2004.
S. R. GILBERT, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/1998/415)