Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice Redefining the Persons or Class of Persons of a Maori Reservation

Pursuant to section 338 (5) of Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993, on the recommendation of the Maori Land Court, the Maori freehold land described in the Schedule hereto, set apart as a Maori reservation by corrigendum notice published in the New Zealand Gazette, 10 February 1994, No. 11, page 726, hereby redefines the persons or class of persons for whose benefit the reservation is made to be a marae for the use and benefit of present and future descendants of Rangimoeakau and Ngarama Hatua.
South Auckland Land District
All that piece of land situated in Block XVI, Puniu Survey District and described as follows:
Area m2 Description
9577 Lot 1, DP S82541, being part Rangitoto A12B2B3A and being all that parcel of land contained in Computer Register SA56B/97, South Auckland Registry.
Dated at Wellington this 31st day of August 2004.
LEITH COMER, Chief Executive.
Ministry of Maori Development.
(MLC: HO 2/3/1/3; DO Appln. A2004/2035DP)