Notice Title

Conservation Act 1987

Declaration of Controlled Dog Areas No Access

Pursuant to section 26ZS of the Conservation Act 1987, Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation, hereby declares the areas described in Schedule I hereto to be controlled dog areas no access, and further declares that the said controlled dog areas are to be known by the names listed in Schedule I.

Declaration of Controlled Dog Areas No Access Foreshore Areas

Pursuant to section 26ZS of the Conservation Act 1987, Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation, hereby declares the areas described in Schedule II hereto to be controlled dog areas no access, foreshore areas, and further declares that the said controlled dog areas are to be known by the names listed in Schedule II.

Declaration of Controlled Dog Areas Entry by Permit for Management and/or Recreational Hunting Purposes and Established with Conditions

Pursuant to section 26ZS of the Conservation Act 1987, Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation, hereby declares the areas described in Schedule III hereto to be controlled dog areas entry by permit for management and/or recreational hunting, and further imposes the condition that the number of hunting dogs is limited to three per hunter and the condition that farm dogs are to be under the supervision of the owner or person in charge at all times, and further declares that the said controlled dog areas are to be known by the names listed in Schedule III.

Declaration of Controlled Dog Areas Access May-June for Recreational Duck Hunting and Established with Conditions

Pursuant to section 26ZS of the Conservation Act 1987, Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation, hereby declares the areas described in Schedule IV hereto to be controlled dog areas Access May-June for Recreational Duck Hunting, and further imposes the condition that dogs are to be under the control of the licensed hunter at all times, and further declares that the said controlled dog areas are to be known by the names listed in Schedule IV.

Declaration of Open Dog Areas and Established with Conditions

Pursuant to section 26ZS of the Conservation Act 1987, Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation, hereby declares the areas described in Schedule V hereto to be open dog areas before the hours of 9.00 a.m. and after 7.00 p.m. from the start of Labour Weekend to the end of daylight saving, and further imposes the condition that dogs are to be on a lead (excluding the Long Bay Marine Reserve) not exceeding three linear metres and the condition that faeces is to be removed, and further declares that the said open dog areas are to be known by the names listed in Schedule V.

Declaration of Open Dog Areas and Established with Conditions

Pursuant to section 26ZS of the Conservation Act 1987, Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation, hereby declares the areas described in Schedule VI hereto to be open dog areas, and further imposes the condition that dogs are to be kept on a lead not exceeding three linear metres and the condition that faeces is to be removed, and further declares that the said controlled dog areas are to be known by the names listed in Schedule VI.

Declaration of Open Dog Areas and Established with Conditions

Pursuant to section 26ZS of the Conservation Act 1987, Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation, hereby declares the areas described in Schedule VII hereto to be open dog areas, and further imposes the condition that non hunting dogs are to be kept on a lead not exceeding three linear metres and the condition that hunting dogs are to be kept under the control of the licensed hunter at all times, and further declares that the said controlled dog areas are to be known by the names listed in Schedule VII.

Dated in Auckland this 10th day of May 2004.

Rob McCallum, Auckland Conservator, for the Minister of Conservation.



Name of Controlled Dog Area Land Unit # NZMSLocation Description Area (Hectares)
Awana Stream Marginal Strip 142 T08 Reserved under Section 169 of the Land Act 1877, adjoining Pt Allotment 178 Aotea Parish and Pt Allotment 14 Harataonga Parish, Blk III Fitzroy and Blk I Tryphena Survey Districts.Reserved under Section 169 of the Land Act 1877, adjoining Allotments 188 and 200 and Pt Allotment 229 Aotea Parish, Blk III Fitzroy and Blk I Tryphena Survey Districts. 6.4375 approx6.4375 approx
Awana Stream Recreation Reserve 129 T08 Lots 1, 2 and 3 DP 76703 Blk II Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p2049 14.0306
Beehive Island Recreation Reserve 017 R09 Allotment 77 Matakana Parish, Blk VI Kawau Survey District, Computer Register 757/183. 0.8093
Burgess Islands Scenic Reserve 028 S07 Pt Burgess Island, being part of the Mokohinau Island Group (SO 59115).New Zealand Gazette 1990 p395Balance of Burgess Island and the adjoining islets. 8.750042.4036
Burma Road Scenic Reserve 222 Q09 Section 6 Blk II Tauhoa Survey District (SO 51383).New Zealand Gazette 1989 p6278Section 9 Blk I Tauhoa Survey District (SO 55340).New Zealand Gazette 1989 p6278 33.412211.1890
Bushs Beach Recreation Reserve 110 S08 Pt OLC 401 DP 24010 Blk II Fitzroy Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1216 5.6655
Clarks Beach Marginal Strip 511 R12 Crown Land reserved from sale pursuant to Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, adjoining Allotments 101, 121, 122 and Part Allotment 108 Waiau Parish, Lots 1 and 2 DP 160856 Blk 1 Drury Survey District. 5.2300 approx
Clifton Bay Marginal Strip 470 R11 Crown Land reserved from sale under Section 129 of the Land Act 1924, adjoining Lot 5 DP 16612 and Crown Land Blk IV Otahuhu Survey District. 1.0860 approx
Fitzroy Bay Landing Recreation Reserve 128 S08 Lot 1 DP 27742 Blk II Fitzroy Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1343Section 2 Blk II Fitzroy Survey District (SO 46601).New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1343Section 3 Blk II Fitzroy Survey District (SO 48014).New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1343 0.50590.25040.0693
Goat Island Scientific Reserve 002 R09 Allotment 195 Omaha Parish, Blk I Rodney Survey District (SO 5169).New Zealand Gazette 1980 p2410 9.3077
Harataonga Bay Marginal Strip 139 T08 Reserved from sale under Section 122 of the Land Act 1908, adjoining Allotment 245 Harataonga Parish, Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District. 6.6385 approx
Harataonga Bay Recreation Reserve 107 T08 Allotments 1, 12, 13, 16, 23, 24, 34 and 35 Harataonga Parish, Blk 1 Tryphena Parish Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568Pt Allotments W3, E3 and 2 Harataonga Parish, Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District (S0 31A).New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 Pt Allotment 177 Aotea Parish, Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District (SO 3770A).New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568Allotment 171 Aotea Parish, Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District (SO 3784).New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 Lot 1 DP 79416 Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 Lot 2 DP 7914 Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 Lots 1 and 2 DP 79418 Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 Lot 1 DP 79419 Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 Lot 2 DP 79420 Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 Lot 1 DP 85124 Blk 1 Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1986 p2568 306.220572.140076.052442.087363.150041.900039.012033.920039.16502.5903
Hargreaves Basin Marginal Strip 395 Q09 Reserved under Section 129 of the Land Act 1924, adjoining Lots 3 and 4 DP 41957 Blk XIV Otamatea Survey District. 0.2410 approx
Kaitoke Beach Marginal Strip 144 T09 Reserved from sale under Section 129 of the Land Act 1924, adjoining Pt Allotments 90, 91 and 92 Aotea Parish, Blk III Tryphena Survey District. 3.7015 appox
Kaitoke Creek Marginal Strip 143 T09 Reserved under Section 129 of the Land Act 1924, adjoining Allotment 199 Aotea Parish, Blk II Tryphena Survey District. 0.8850 approx
Kawau Island Historic Reserve 003 R09 Lots 14-17 DP 6975, Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1985 p400Section 8 Blk VI Kawau (SO 59206).New Zealand Gazette 1988 p4179New Zealand Gazette 1991 p1968New Zealand Gazette 1993 p1308Lots 188, 190, 191, 195 and 196. DP 6961 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lots 1, 2 and 3 DP 37279 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Pt Lot 1 DP 37903 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lot 2 DP 37903 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lot 1 DP 47251 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lot 5 DP 55756 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lots 41-48, 50-89 DP 56999 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Pt Lot 232, DP 7674 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lot 231 DP 7674 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Sections 2 and 3 Blk VI Kawau Survey District (SO 47932).New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395 0.40443.95504.56061.32784.27951.25710.20231.45409.915549.278039.05210.6101
Lots 1-9 DP 39418 Blks V and VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lots 1A, 1B, 1-13, 18-26,28-44, 65-120, 124-155,158-183 DP 6975, Blk VI Kawau Survey District (Kawau Island Historic Reserve).New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Transferred road adjoining Lots 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 and 84 DP 6975, Lots 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 and 89 DP 56999, part Lot 232 DP 7674, Sections 2, 3 and 8 Blk VI Kawau Survey District. Marked "A" on SO 63386.New Zealand Gazette 1991 p1968New Zealand Gazette 1993 p1308Part Kawau Island shown on DP 7674 situated in Blk VI Kawau Survey District Computer Register 17D/929.All New Zealand Gazette 1993 p1308Lots 64, 121, 122, 123, 156, 157 and 184 DP 6975 situated in Blk VI Kawau Survey District Computer Register 17D/928.All New Zealand Gazette 1993 p1308 43.435216.09561.46600.40470.9887
Kawau Island Scenic Reserve 201 R09 Lot 179 DP 6849 Blk III Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1979 p3243 3.0351
Kermadec Islands Nature Reserve (All Islands) 212 NZ 22 Hydro-graphic Chart All Islands in the Kermadec Group except Section 9 of (Raoul) Sunday Island.New Zealand Gazette 1934 p201Section 9 Computer Register 88C/172 2867.10 approx111.2889
Kermadec Islands Nature Reserve (Foreshore) 212 Foreshore adjoining Kermedec Islands and other offshore rocks and islets.New Zealand Gazette 1976 p423
Kohatutara Island Scenic Reserve 005 R09 Rock islets adjacent to Motutara Island, Blk VII Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1642 0.8895
Lake Ototoa Scenic Reserve 221 Q09 Bed of Lake Ototoa, Blk X Okaka and Blk II Waioneke Survey Districts. (SO 59921).New Zealand Gazette 1987 p1033New Zealand Gazette 1991 p128Section 8 Blk X Okaka Survey District (SO 39785).New Zealand Gazette 191 p128Pt Section 12 Blk X Okaka Survey District (SO 39783).New Zealand Gazette 191 p128Section 85 Blk X Okaka and 11 Waioneke Survey District (SO 54393).New Zealand Gazette 1991 p128Section 86 Blk 11 Waioneke Survey District (SO 54393).New Zealand Gazette 1991 p128 Section 87 Blk X Okaka Survey District (SO 54393).New Zealand Gazette 1991 p128 124.200044.249887.14906.40006.15001.2200
Little Barrier Island Nature Reserve 001 S08 Little Barrier Island (Hauturu Island) situated in Little Barrier Survey District (including foreshore)(SO 50067).New Zealand Gazette 1976 p82 2817.0000 approx
Logues Bush Scenic Reserve 233 R09 Lot 1 DP 103874 Blk VIII Pakiri Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1989 p6025Lot 1 DP 108801 Blk VIII Pakiri Survey District Computer Register 61B/583. 40.19800.4500
Mangawhai Marginal Strip 538 R08 Pt Lot 1 DP 138524 Blks IV Mangawhai and II Pakiri Survey Districts (SO 45626).Lot 2 DP 138523 Blk IV Mangawhai and II Pakiri Survey Districts.Lot 3 DP 138523 Blk IV Mangawhai and II Pakiri Survey Districts.Pt Lot 1 DP 138523 Blk IV Mangawhai and II Pakiri Survey Districts. Pt Lot 1 DP 138523 Blks II, III, VI Pakiri Survey District.Lot 2 DP 138522 Blk VI Pakiri Survey District. 21.0000 approx3.6520 4.62203.5010
Medlands Wildlife Management Reserve 132 T09 Lots 1 and Part 2 DP 73752 Blk III Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p2267 9.7842
Miranda (Taramaire) Government Purpose Reserve 296 S12 Pt Lot 3 DP 34407 Blk VI Wharakawa Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1987 p1627Sections 4 and 5 Blk VI Wharakawa Survey District (SO 50855).New Zealand Gazette 1983 p4010Section 7 Blk VI Wharekawa Survey District (SO 53557) Computer Register 42C/605.Wharekawa IG Section 1 Blk VI Wharekawa Survey District. Computer Register 840/8.Lot 4 D.P. 181190 Blk IV Wharekawa Survey District. Computer Register 112B/788.New Zealand Gazette 1997 p3668Te Moko Block, Blk IV Wharekawa Survey District. Computer Register 246/135.New Zealand Gazette 1997 p3668Lot 2 DP 182633 Computer Register 1130/2567, Computer Register 1133/230.Lot 4 DP 199696 Computer Register 126B/7288.Lot 5 DP 199696 Computer Register 126B/729. 22.79568.31000.31765.18984.370029.13732.43701.91500.0173
Miranda Marginal Strip 523 S12 Adjoining Part Allotment 80 Koheroa Parish, Blk VI Wharekawa Survey District. Reserve Section 129 of the Land Act 1924 0.8050 approx
Miranda Stream Stewardship Area 384 S12 Pt Allotment 80 Koheroa Parish, Blk VI Wharekawa Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 3.5000
Mokohinau Islands Nature Reserve 025 S07 Pt Mokohinau Islands, including Fanal, Groper, Flax and Trig Islands and their adjacent islets.New Zealand Gazette 1969 p1328 108.0510
Moturekareka Island Scenic Reserve 553 R09 Moturekareka Island Blk VII Kawau Survey District SO 33121 Computer Register 4A/607.New Zealand Gazette 1996 p1415 15.7827
Moturemu Island Scenic Reserve 224 Q09 Section 3 Blk VI Tauhoa Survey District (SO 37215).New Zealand Gazette 1979 p2755 5.0585
Motutara Island Scenic Reserve 027 R09 Lots 1, 2 and 3 DP 22125 (Motutara Island) Blk VII Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p3002 3.1110
Okahukura Stewardship Area 326 Q09 Pts Okahukura No 1 and 2 Blks, Blks XV and XVI Hukatere Survey District, and Blks III and VI Okaka Survey District (DP 10011).Conservation Act 1987Pts Okahukura No 2 Blks, being eight islands in Waikiri Creek and a peninsula between Waikiri and Parapara Creek, Blk XVI Hukatere Survey District and Blk III Okaka Survey District (DP 10011).Conservation Act 1987Sections 5 and 6, Blk VI Okaka Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 275.0000 approx35.0000 approx18.8304
Oruawharo Creek Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve 117 T09 Lots 1 and 2 DP 98569, Blk IV Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1984 p4686Lot 1 DP 108696 Computer Register 61B/242 2.48503.6779
Pakiri Marginal Strip 376 R08 Reserved under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, adjoining Section 44 Blk VI Pakiri Survey District. 6.4370 approx
Pakiri Block Stewardship Area 385 R08 Section 43 Blk VI Pakiri Survey District. Stewardship area under Section 25 of the Conservation Act 1987. 47.3836
Papakanui Spit Wildlife Refuge 210 Q09 Pt Allotment 63 Waioneke Parish, Blk VII Okaka Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1956 p1292 25.0000 approx
Papakanui Stewardship Area 220 Q09 Pt Allotment 63 Waioneke Parish, Blks VII, VIII, IX and X Okaka Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 1088.5000 approx
Papepape Marginal Strip 501 S11 Reserved under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, Blk IV Wairoa Survey District, Pt Section 1 SO 67175.Reserved under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, Crown Land adjacent Allotment 87 Wairoa Parish, Blk IV Wairoa Survey District. 4.04690.2000 approx
Rahuikiri Marginal Strip 377 R08 Reserved under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, adjoining Sections 38 and 39 Blk VI Pakiri Survey District. 2.6150 approx
Rosalie Bay Marginal Strip 146 T09 Reserved from sale under Section 122 of the Land Act 1908, adjoining, Allotments NE 45 and 52 Aotea Parish, Blk VI Tryphena Survey District. 1.4080 approx
Saddle Island Scenic Reserve 007 R10 Allotment 298 Mahurangi Parish, Blk XVI Mahurangi Survey District (SO 17286).New Zealand Gazette 1981 p23 4.6538
Schoolhouse Bay Recreation Reserve 204 R09 Pt Lot 5 DP 46831 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Section 4 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Pt Section 1 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395Lot 1 DP 46831 Blk VI Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1985 p2251 0.14090.03570.09830.0913
Sharp Point Scenic Reserve 202 R09 Lots 42 - 47 DP 4961 Blk IV Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395 4.4262
Smelting House Bay Scenic Reserve 203 R09 Lot 283 DP 7675 Blk IV Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395 1.4619
Smelting House Historic Reserve 200 R09 Lots 277 and 278 DP 7675 Blk IV Kawau Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p3395 1.0799
South Head Road Scientific Reserve 577 Q10 Part Lot 2 DP 26460 Blks IV and VIII Kaipara Survey District. 120.0000 approx
South Head Stewardship Area 378 Q09 Crown Land adjoining, Lot 1 DP 50362, Blk VIII Okaka Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 1.5000
Stony Hill Recreation Reserve 205 R09 Section 5, Blk VI, Kawau Survey District (SO 53087).New Zealand Gazette 1981 p102 38.4031
Manukapua Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve 330 Q09 Pt Okahukura No I Blk, Blk III Okaka Survey District (DP 10011).New Zealand Gazette 1981 p499 63.5356
Tauhoa Scientific Reserve 225 Q09 Section I Blk VI Tauhoa Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1983 p4170Section 2 Blk VI Tauhoa Survey District (SO 34823).New Zealand Gazette 1983 p4170 291.373610.1172
Ti Tree Island Conservation Area 549 Q09 Part Lot 1 DP 50362, marked "A" on SO 64426 Blk VIII Okaka Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1993 p658Section 20 (1) of the Public Works Act 1981.Part Lot 1 DP 50362, marked "B" on SO 64426 Blk VIII Okaka Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1993 p658Lot 4 DP 50362, marked "C" on SO 64426 Blk VIII Okaka Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1993 p658Lot 6 DP 50362, marked "D" on SO 64426 Blk VIII Okaka Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1993 p658Lot 5 DP 50362, marked "E" on SO 64426 Blk VIII Okaka Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1993 p658 0.75434.39602.17300.09200.4047
Ti Tree Island Stewardship Area 389 Q09 Crown Land adjoining Tipare Blk, Blk VIII Okaka Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 5.0000
Tiritiri Matangi Island Scientific Reserve 008 R10 Sections 5 and 6 Blk III Tiritiri Survey District (SO 23207).New Zealand Gazette 1980 p2343Section 7 Blk III Tiritiri Survey District (SO 50358).New Zealand Gazette 1980 p2343Section 2 Blk III Tiritiri Survey District (SO 20243).Section 8 Blk III Tiritiri Survey District (SO 59438).New Zealand Gazette 1987 p3439 141.725964.802312.14061.9450
Turanga Creek Stewardship Area 364 R11 Crown Land adjoining Lot 5 DP 16612 Blk IV Otahuhu Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 4.5000
Waikopua Creek Stewardship Area 283 R11 Islands in Waikopua Creek, Blk I Wairoa Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 15.7000
Waionui Inlet Marginal Strip 541 Q09 Marginal Strip Section 24 (a) of the Conservation Act 1987. Lot 2 DP 13525.Section 4 of the Crown Forests Assets Act 1989 5.7000
Whangapoua Stewardship Area 104 S08 Pt OLC 401, Blk XVI Barrier Survey District and Blk III Fitzroy Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 390.0000 approx
Foreshore of Cape Rodney to Okakari Point Marine Reserve 300 R09 Pt Bed of Sea situated in Blk 1 Rodney Survey District(SO 50092).New Zealand Gazette 1975 p2427 547.0000
Leigh Recreation Reserve 244 R09 Lot DP 101905 Blk I Rodney Survey District (Computer Register 57B/517).Lot 2 DP 101905 Blk I Rodney Survey District (Computer Register 57B/518).Lot 1 DP 117547 Blk I Rodney Survey District Computer Register 66D/608.New Zealand Gazette 1991 p3135 6.07400.70802.0000
Okura Beach Marginal Strip 434 R10 Reserved from sale by registration under Section 169 of the Land Act 1877, adjacent Lots 1 and 2 DP 68216 Blk XVI Waiwera Survey District. 1.5240 approx
Okura Estuary Scenic Reserve 266 R10 Lot 5 DP 95984, Blks XV and XVI Waiwera Survey District Computer Register 52A/376.New Zealand Gazette 1991 p1265 116.3700
Rangitoto Island Scenic Reserve 009 R11 Section 7 Blk XI Rangitoto Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1343Section 8 Blk XI Rangitoto Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1343Section 9 Blk XI Rangitoto Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1343Pt Rangitoto Island, Blk XI Rangitoto Survey District (SO 34085).New Zealand Gazette 1983 p1931Section I Blk XI Rangitoto Survey District (SO 34085).New Zealand Gazette 1983 1931 2310.30980.29080.24282.036120.0319
Te Henga Recreation Reserve 272 Q11 Lot 1 DP 103778 Blk XI Kumeu and 1 Waitakere Survey District Computer Register 57A/1128.Lot 1 DP 116242 Blk XI Kumeu and 1 Waitakere Survey District Computer Register 66A/1637. 52.950030.5900



Name of Foreshore Land Unit No. NZMS
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Awana Stream Recreation Reserve shown on NZMS 260 T08 within grid references 327E 528N to 340E 528N to 340E 514N to 327E 514N to point of commencement. T08
All that Crown foreshore of Beehive Island Recreation Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 736E 262N to 741E 262N to 734E 259N to 741E 259N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore of Burgess Island Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 S07 within grid references 004E 867N to 022E 867N to 004E 855N to 022E 855N to point of commencement. S07
All that Crown foreshore of Browns Island shown on NZMS 260 R 11 within grid references 788 E 846N to 800E 846N to 800E 829N to 788E 829N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Clarks Beach Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 R12 within grid references 650E 570N to 705E 570N thence in a south-westerly direction to 692E 520N thence due west to 650E 520N thence due north to point of commencement. R12
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Clifton Bay Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 853E 747N to 857E 747N to 857E 745N to 853E 745N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore of the Firth of Thames south from Wharekawa to Miranda, the southern limit of the Auckland Region, shown on NZMS 260 R 12 within grid references 140E 540N to 192E 540N to 192E 436N to 140E 436N to point of commencement. R12
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Port Fitzroy Landing Recreation Reserve shown on NZMS 260 S08 within grid references 228E 570N to 234E 570N to 234E 559N to 228E 559N to point of commencement. S08
All that Crown foreshore of Goat Island Scientific Reserve shown on NZMS 260 T08 within grid references 695E 484N to 742E 484N to 742E 454N to 695E 454N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Harataonga Bay Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 T08 within grid references 329E 574N to 362E 574N to 326E 535N to 329E 535N to point of commencement. T08
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Haratoanga Recreation Reserve shown on NZMS 260 T08 within grid references 329E 574N to 362E 574N to 326E 535N to 329E 535N to point of commencement T08
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Hargreaves Basin Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 344E 428N to 355E 428N to 355E 422N to 344E 422N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Kaitoke Beach Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 T08 within grid references 315E 495N to 342E 495N to 342E 464N to 315E 464N to point of commencement. T09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Kaitoke Creek Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 T08 within grid references 315E 495N to 342E 495N to 342E 464N to 315E 464N to point of commencement. T09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Kawau Island Historic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 731E 291N to 754E 291N to 731E 272N to 754E 272N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Kawau Island Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 735E 305N to 738E 305N to 735E 302N to 738E 302N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore of Kermadec Islands Nature Reserve shown on NZ22 Hydrographic Chart 212 NZ22 Hydro-graphic Chart
All that Crown foreshore of Kohututara Island Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS R09 within grid references 710E 233N to 715E 233N to 715E 230N to 710E 230N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore of Little Barrier Nature Reserve shown on NZMS 260 S08 within grid references 945E 575N to 010E 575N to 010E 497N to 945E 497N to point of commencement. 001 S08
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Mangawhai Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 R08 within grid references 560E 635N to 620E 537N to 620E 635N to 560E 537N to point of commencement. R08
All that Crown foreshore of Medlands Beach shown on NZMS 260 T09 within grid references 352E 455N to 361E 455N to 361E 448N to 352E 448N to point of commencement and within grid references 347E 416N to 342E 461N to 347E 435N to 340E 453N to point of commencement. T09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Miranda (Taramaire) Government Purpose Reserve shown on NZMS 260 S12 within grid references 141E 509N to 170E 509N to 170E 452N to 141E 452N to point of commencement. S12
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Miranda Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 S12 within grid references 157E 439N to 160E 439N to 160E 437N to 157E 437N to point of commencement. S12
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Miranda Stream Stewardship Area Strip shown on NZMS 260 S12 within grid references 157E 439N to 160E 439N to 160E 437N to 157E 437N to point of commencement. S12
All that Crown foreshore of Mokohinau Islands Nature Reserve shown on NZMS 260 S07 within grid references 959E 870N to 054E 870N to 959E 815N to 054E 815N to point of commencement. 025 S07
All that Crown foreshore of Moturekareka Island Recreation shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 710E 239N to 720E 239N to 720E 230N to 710E 230N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore of Motuihe Island Recreation shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 828E 874N to 857E 874N to 857 846N to 828E 846N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore of Motutapu Island Island Recreation shown on NZMS 260 R10/R11 within grid references 791E 952N to 837E 952N to 837E 875N to 791E 875N to point of commencement.
All that Crown foreshore of Moturemu Island Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 352E 305N to 358E 305N to 358E 298N to 352E 298N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore of Motutara Island Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 705E 239N to 714E 239N to 714E 230N to 705E 230N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Okahukura Stewardship Area shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 228E 422N to 268E 422N to 268E 319N to 228 E 319N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore of the Okura Estuary adjacent to Okura Beach Marginal Strip and Okura Estuary Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 627E 030N to 661E 030N to 662E 012N to 267E 012N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore of Okupu Bay shown on NZMS 260 S09 within grid references 294E 462N to 300E 462N to 300E 453N to 294E 453N to point of commencement. S09
All that Crown foreshore around Omaha Spit shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 699E 409N to 703E 409N to 703E 401N to 699E 407N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Overtons Beach Marginal Strip, Korotiti Bay Stewardship Area and Whakatautuna Point Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 T08 within grid references 329E 574N to 362E 574N to 326E 535N to 329E 535N to point of commencement. T08
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Pakiri Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 R08 within grid references 610E 543N to 626E 543N to 626E 543N to point of commencement. R08
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Papakanui Spit Wildlife Refuge as shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 142E 299N to 208E 299N to 208E 238N to 142E 238N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Papakanui Stewardship Area shown on NZMS260 Q09 within grid references 142E 299N to 208E 299N to 208E 238N to 142E 238N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Papepape Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 S11 within grid references 955E 728N to 965E 728N to 955E 715 N to 965E 715N to point of commencement. S11
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to and including the Puhunui Wildlife Refuge (NZ Gazette P 1587) shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 728E 641N to 742E 625N to 754E 625 N to 754E 610N to 726E 611N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Pollen Island and Traherne Island shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 578E 830N to 604E to 830N to 616E 797N to 616E 780N to 603E 780N to 578E 813N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Rahukiri Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 R08 within grid references 632E 524N to 645E 524N to 654E 510N to 632E 510N to point of commencement. R08
All that Crown foreshore within and adjacent to Rangiriri Creek shown on NZMS 260 R12 within grid references 573E 514N to 600E 514N to 600E 493N to 573E 493N to point of commencement. R12
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Rangitoto Island Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 735E 917N to 798E 917N to 798E 862N to 735E 8623N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Rosalie Bay Marginal Strip shown on NZMS 260 T09 within grid references 382E 388N to 385E 388N to 380E 380N to 380E 380N to point of commencement. T09
All that Crown foreshore of Saddle Island Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R10 within grid references 667E 203N to 674E 203N to 674E 193N to 667E 193N to point of commencement. R10
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to School House Bay Recreation Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 731E 291N to 754E 291N to 754E 272N to 731E 272N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Sharp Point Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 745 314N to 749E 314N to 749E 321N to 745E 321N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Smelting House Bay Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 753E 296N to 755E 296N to 755E 294N to 753E 294N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Smelting House Historic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 753E 296N to 751E 296N to 753E 294N to 751E 294N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to South Head Scientific Reserve shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 300E 105N thence in a north north-easterly direction to 324E 105N thence in a southerly direction to 324E 098N thence in a south-westerly direction to 318E 088N thence in a westerly direction to 303E 088N to point of commencement. Q10
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to South Head Stewardship Area shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 209E 299N to 212E 299N to 212E 295N to 209E 295N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Manukapua Government Purpose (Wildlife Management) Reserve shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 206E 369N to 229E 369N to 229E 324N to 206E 324N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Tawharanui Regional Park shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references735E 368N to 783E 368N to 783E 339N to 735E 339N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore within Te Matuku Bay shown on NZMS 260 S11 within grid references 996E 844N to 014E 844N to 014E 816N to 996E 816N to point of commencement. S11
All that Crown foreshore of Tiritiri Matangi Island Scientific Reserve shown on NZMS 260 R10 within grid references 785E 108N to 807E 108N to 807E 084N to 785E 084N to point of commencement. 008 R10
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Ti Tree Island Conservation Area shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 142E 299N to 208E 299N to 208E 238N to 142E 238N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Ti Tree Island Stewardship Area shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 142E 299N to 208E 299N to 208E 238N to 142E 238N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Turanga Creek Stewardship Area shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 853E 747N to 857E 747N to 857E 745N to 853E 745N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore of Tryphena Harbour (excluding Auckland City Council's proposed dog exercise area) shown on NZMS 260 T09 within grid references 321E 415N to 345E 414N to 345E 387N to 321E 387N to point of commencement. T09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Waikopua Creek Stewardship Area shown on NZMS 260 R11 within grid references 878E 748N to 884E 748N to 884E 735N to 878E 740N to point of commencement. R11
All that Crown foreshore of the Waionui Inlet shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 142E 299N to 208E 299N to 208E 238N to 142E 238N to point of commencement. Q09
All that Crown foreshore within and adjacent to Waipipi Creek shown on NZMS 260 R12 within grid references 619E 415N to 612E 453N to 619E 430N to 600E 430N to point of commencement. R12
All that Crown foreshore of Wairoa Estuary and Bay shown on NZMS 260 S11 within grid references 945E 746N to 989E 776N to 989E 685N to 945E 685N to point of commencement. S11
All that Crown foreshore of Wakaaranga Creek Tamaki River shown on NZMS 260 S08 within grid references 777E 765N to 793E to 770N to 784E 772N to 779E 773N to 792E 768N to point of commencement. S08
All that Crown foreshore adjacent to Whangapoua Stewardship Area shown on NZMS 260 S08 within grid references 268E 621N to 295E 621N to 295E 583N to 268E 583N to point of commencement. S08
All that Crown foreshore within the Whangateau Harbour shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 684E 405N to 689E 405N to 689E 384N to 704E 384N to 704E 360N to 684E 360N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent the Whangateau Harbour shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 686E 417N to 702E 429N to 710E 425N to 709E 412N to 697E 412N to 693E 406N to 686E 411N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore adjacent the Whangateau Harbour shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 735E 368N to 783E 368N to 783E 339N to 735E 339N to point of commencement. R09
All that Crown foreshore at Whatipu adjacent to the Whatipu Scenic Reserve shown on NZMS 260 S08 within grid references 414E 660N to 447E 660N to 447E 599N to 414E 599N to point of commencement. S08
All that Crown foreshore of Weiti River and Crown foreshore of Karepiro Bay shown on NZMS 260 R09 within grid references 642E 058N to 647E 054N to 649E 050N to 650E 045N to 656E 029N to 642E 029N to point of commencement. R10




Name Land Unit # NZMSLocation Description Area (Hectares)
Browns Island Recreation Reserve 014 R11 Browns Island (Motukorea) Blks X and XI Rangitoto Survey District (DP 16315).New Zealand Gazette 1979 p1551 59.8934
Dome Forest Stewardship Area 239 R09 Pt Timber Reserve Hoteo Parish, Blks II and III Mahurangi Survey District. Conservation Act 1987Lots 1 and 2 DP 82176 Blk II Mahurangi Survey District. Conservation Act 1987Lots 1 and 2 DP 82174 Blk II Mahurangi Survey District. Conservation Act 1987Lot 1 DP 82175 Mahurangi Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 360.676041.815621.62353.7694
Great Barrier Forest Conservation Area 118 S08 Pt Old Land Claim 401, Blk XV Barrier and Blk II Fitzroy Survey District (DP 13504).New Zealand Gazette 1989 p2607 368.1479
Great Barrier Forest Stewardship Area 106 S08 Parts Old Land Claim 401, Blks VII, VIII, XI, XII, XV, XVI Barrier Survey District, Blks II, III, V, VI, Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Old Land Claim 401, Blk XV, Barrier Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Parts Old Land Claim 401 Blk II Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District. Conservation Act 1987Pt Old Land Claim 401 Blks II and V Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment 2, Aotea Parish, Blks V, VI Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotments 163-166, Aotea Parish, Blk V, Fitzroy District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotments 161 and 162 Aotea Parish, Blks V and IX Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Allotment 160 Aotea Parish, Blks V and IX, Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Parts Allotment 3, Aotea Parish, Blks V, VI, IX and VII Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Pt Lot 1 DP 4031 Allotments 208 and 209 Pt Allotment 143 Aotea Parish, Blk VI Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District. 2393.836130.3058116.5495176.4429119.4537 approx3.43992.225827.9233500.0000 approx28.0388
Parts Allotments NE142 and 141 Aotea Parish, Blks VI Fitzroy and II Tryphena Survey Districts, North Auckland Land District.Allotments 182, 130 and 129 Aotea Parish, Blks VI and VII Fitzroy Survey District, Allotment 182A Aotea Parish, Blk VI, Fitzroy Survey District, Allotment 128 Aotea Parish, Blk VII Fitzroy and Blk III Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Pt Allotment 138 Aotea Parish, Blk VII Tryphena Survey District and Blks II and III Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Allotment 231, Aotea Parish, Blks II and III Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Allotments 212 and 246 Aotea Parish, Blk II Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Pt Allotment 4 Aotea Parish, Blk VI Fitzroy Survey District, Blk II Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Pt Allotment 151 Allotment 152 Allotment 146 Aotea Parish, Blk VI Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Pt Allotment 181 Aotea Parish, Blks III VI Fitzroy Survey District, Blk II Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment 228 Aotea Parish, Blk II Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Allotment 179 Aotea Parish, Blks I and II Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987 307.8674377.733642.569499.14791.795779.6771350.0984237.7562 approx98.347680.9371
Great Barrier Forest Stewardship Area 106 S08 Pt Allotment 229 Aotea Parish, Blks III and IV Fitzroy Survey District and Blks I and II Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment 14 Harotaonga Parish, Blk III Fitzroy Survey District and Blk I Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment 18, Harataonga Parish, Blk III Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Allotments 39, 14A, 14B, 14C, 14D and 14E, Harataonga Parish, Blk I Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment 170 Aotea Parish, Blks III and VI Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Allotment 221, Aotea Parish, Blk VI Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Allotment 220, Aotea Parish, Blk VI, Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment 131 Aotea Parish, Blk III Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment 20, and adjoining Crown Land, Harataonga Parish, Blk III Fitzroy Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987 330.8729333.5588 approx247.94057.0331230.93996.07032.023423.0000 approx62.6607
Pt Allotment 26 Harataonga Parish, and Crown Land adjacent to Pt Sections 7 and 21 Tryphena Survey District, North Auckland Land District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Allotment SW136 Aotea Parish, Blk II Tryphena Survey District.Conservation Act 1987Parts Allotment 132 Aotea Parish, Blks II and III Tryphena Survey District.Conservation Act 1987Pt S.W. portion of Allotment 142 Aotea Parish, Blks IV Fitzroy Survey District. Computer Register 573/36. 42.01131.92716.125331.0065
Hirakimata/Kaitoke Swamp Ecological Area 137 S08 Pt Old Land Claim 401 Blk III, Fitzroy Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1985 p3631Pt Allotments 14 and 18 Harataonga Parish, Blk III Fitzroy Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1985 p3631Allotment 210 Aotea Parish, Blk II Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1985 p3631Pt Allotments 4, 139, 140, 170, 181 and 229 Aotea Parish, Blks III and VI Fitzroy and Blk II Tryphena Survey Districts.New Zealand Gazette 1985 p3631Allotment 188 Aotea Parish, Blk III Fitzroy Survey District (SO 58871).New Zealand Gazette 1985 p3631 120.6860 approx128.2130 approx0.0986746.0024 approx90.3461
Motuihe Island Recreation Reserve 015 R11 Sections 1 and 2 Blk XIII Rangitoto Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1979 p1459Pt Motuihe Island, Blk XIII Rangitoto Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1979 p1459 13.2165165.4268
Motuora Island Recreation Reserve and adjacent Crown foreshore shown on NZMS 269 R10 within grid references 703E 213N to 721E 213N to 703E 193N to 721E 193N to point of commencement. 006 R09 Motuora Island, Blk VII Kawau Survey District(SO 89A).New Zealand Gazette 1980 p93 79.7230
Motutapu Island Recreation Reserve 010 R10 Section 10 Blk V Rangitoto Survey District (SO 45588).New Zealand Gazette 1979 p2289Section II Blk V Rangitoto Survey District (SO 55383).New Zealand Gazette 1986 p4858 1508.66801.7000
Okiwi Recreation Reserve 149 S08 Pt Old Land Claim 401, Section 1 SO 64302 Blk XVI Barrier Survey District 58A/777.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473Section 2 SO 64302 Blk XVI Barrier Survey District. Computer Register 85A/777.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473Section 3 SO 64303 Blks XVI Barrier and III Fitzroy Survey Districts. Computer Register 85A/777.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473Section 13 SO 64303 Blk III Fitzroy Survey District. Computer Register 85A/777.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473Pt Section 4 SO 64304 Blks XVI Barrier and III Fitzroy Survey Districts. Computer Register 85A/778.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473Section 5 SO 64604 Blk XVI Barrier Survey District. Computer Register 85A/778.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473Section 6 SO 64304 Blks XVI Barrier and III Fitzroy Survey Districts. Computer Register 885A/778.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473Section 7 SO 64304 Blk III Fitzroy Survey District. Computer Register 85A/778.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4473 58.9600171.660621.107015.558035.17606.980448.4090143.0592
Omaha Ecological Area 261 R09 Allotments 110 and 110A Omaha Parish, Blks XIV and XV Pakiri Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1982 p4108 239.9785
Rakitu Island Scenic Reserve 558 T08 Rakitu Island adjoining Blk I Tryphena Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p4265 253.3332
Te Paparahi Stewardship Area 101 S08 Pt Old Land Claim 401, Blks VII, VIII, XI, XII, XV and XVI Barrier Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 3310.0000 approx
Wairahi Forest Sanctuary 136 S08 Pt Allotment 2 Aotea Parish Blks V and VI Fitzroy Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1973 p555Pt Allotments 161-166 and 187 Aotea Parish, Blks V and IX Fitzroy Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1973 p55Allotments 225 and 251 Aotea Parish, Blks V and VI Fitzroy Survey District.New Zealand Gazette 1973 p555 133.5463290.362046.3364




Name of Controlled Area Land Unit # NZMSLocation Description Area (Hectares)
All that Crown foreshore of Kaipara Harbour adjacent to Oyster Point, Jordans Farm and Shelly Beach Island shown on NZMS 260 Q10 within grid references 342E 160N to 410E 160N to 410E 099N to 342E 099N to point of commencement. Q10
Slipper Lake Marginal Strip 539 R08 Pt Lot 1 DP 138522 Blks II, III Pakiri Survey District. 5.0000 approx
Spectacle Lake Marginal Strip 359 R08 Reserved under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, adjoining Allotment III Arai Parish, Blk II Pakiri Survey District. 0.8050 approx



(a) Name of Open Area Land Unit # NZMSLocation Description Area (Hectares)
Foreshore of Long Bay-Okura Marine Reserve from Western end of Piripiri Point to Toroa Point 573 R10 Foreshore within Long Bay-Okura Marine Reserve. Being part Bed of the Sea Blks XII, XV and XVI Waiwera Survey District. Marked "A" on SO 68050.New Zealand Gazette 1995 p3627New Zealand Statutes Order in Council 1995 p215 980.0000
Hamatana Marginal Strip 421 R09 Adjoining Lot 3 DP 114828 Blk VII Mahurangi Survey District.Reserved under the Land Act 1885 1.1270 approx



Name of Open Area Land Unit # NZMSLocation Description Area (Hectares)
Karaka Point Marginal Strip 401 Q09 Sections 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21 Blk V Tauhoa Survey District.Section 58 of the Land Act 1948Sections 9 and 10 Blk VI Tauhoa Survey District.Section 58 of the Land Act 1948 36.070833.8622
Muriwai Beach Marginal Strip and all that adjacent Crown foreshore shown on NZMS 260 Q10 between grid references 285E 024N to 340 942N. 546 Q10 Pt Sections 7 and 8 Blk XII Kaipara Survey District(SO 36403).Pt Section I Blk I Kumeu Survey District (SO 4117).Pt Section I Blk V Kumeu Survey District (SO 4117).Pt Section I Blks V and VIII Kumeu Survey District(SO 47109). 34.8000 approx
North Head Historic Reserve 013 R11 Allotment 38 Section 2 Takapuna Parish, Blk VI Rangitoto Survey District (SO 16721).New Zealand Gazette 1980 p1429 8.5995
Rangitira Beach Marginal Strip and all that adjacent Crown foreshore shown on NZMS 260 Q10 between grid references 146E 238N to 269E 054. 542 Q10 Part Allotment 63 Waioneke Parish, Blks IX Okaka and I and II Waioneke Survey Districts.Part Allotment 80 Mairetahi Parish Blks II, IV and V Waioneke Survey District.Part Section 4 Blks V and VI Waioneke Survey District.(SO 42419).Part Section I Blk VI Waioneke Survey District. 44.6000 approx
Ti Point Marginal Strip 416 R09 Adjoining Pt Lot 2 and Lot 3 DP 54149, Blk II Rodney Survey District.Reserved under the Land Act 1885 0.8050 approx
Torkington Bay Marginal Strip 417 R09 Adjoining Allotment 148 Omaha Parish, Blk II Rodney Survey District.Reserved under the Land Act 1885Adjoining Lots 1 and 2DP 134433, Blk II Rodney Survey District.Reserved under the Land Act 1885 1.0060 approx0.4020 approx



Name of Open Area Land Unit # NZMSLocation Description Area (Hectares)
Araparera River Marginal Strip 407 Q09 Reserved under Section 129 of the Land Act 1924, adjoining Lots 1 and 3 DP 89406, Lot 1 DP 87666 and Lot 1 DP 82935 Blk XIII Tauhoa Survey District.Reserved under Section 72 of the Statutes Amendment Act 1946, adjoining Section II Blk XIII Tauhoa Survey District.Reserved under Section 129 of the Land Act 1924, adjoining Pt Section 2 Blk XIII Tauhoa Survey District.Crown Land Reserved from Sale under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, adjoining Section 12 Blk XIII Tauhoa Survey District.Reserved under Section 169 of the Land Act 1877, adjoining Allotment 109 Komakoriki Parish and Pt Lot 3 DP 36241 Blk XIII Tauhoa Survey District.Reserved under Section 129 of the Land Act 1924, adjoining Section 7 Blk XIII Tauhoa Survey District. 18.5000 approx0.2410 approx1.8100 approx1.0060 approx5.8340 approx2.0000 approx
Makarau Stewardship Area 256 Q10 No. 6 Sections 34 and 36 Blk II Kaipara Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 5.0862
That part of the Maioro Sands Marginal Strip which is not adjacent to the Closed 531 R13 Crown Land Reserved from Sale under Section 53 of the Land Act 1948, 3.0000 approx

Game Area. New Zealand Gazette 1985 p474 adjoining Pt Allotments 147, 156 and 381 Waiuku West Parish Blk VII Maioro Survey District. 5.6330
Tauhoa River Marginal Strip 400 Q09 Reserved under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948, adjoining Section I Blk II Tauhoa Survey District.Section 13 Blk II Tauhoa Survey District (Reserved under Section 58 of the Land Act 1948). 5.6331 approx42.0000
All that Crown foreshore of the Kaipara Harbour adjacent to the Okahukura Peninsula shown on NZMS 260 Q09 within grid references 272E 400N to 405E 400N to 405E 298N to 272E 298E to point of commencement. Q09
Tauhoa Stewardship Area 327 Q09 Section 10 Blk II Tauhoa Survey District.Conservation Act 1987Pt Okahukura No I Blk, Blks II and VI Tauhoa Survey District (DP 16640).Conservation Act 1987 0.2432128.6900
Te Pahi Stewardship Area 226 Q09 Crown Land adjoining Sections 93, 96A and Pt 96 Blk III Tauhoa Survey District.Conservation Act 1987 6.5000