Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Authorisation of Exchange of Stewardship Area for Other Land

Under the Conservation Act 1987, the Conservator of the Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy of the Department of Conservation authorises the exchange of the stewardship area described in the First Schedule for the land in the Second Schedule, and further specifies that the land in
the latter Schedule be held for the purpose of a conservation park.
Nelson Land District-Tasman District
First Schedule
2.8190 hectares, being Section 1, S.O. Plan 15235. C.T. 138187.
Second Schedule
3.0734 hectares, being Lot 2, D.P. 331995. Part C.T. NL8C/1391.
Dated at Nelson this 3rd day of March 2004.
(File: DOC CO LEA 608)