Pursuant to section 12 of the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 1946, notice is hereby given of the intention of the
New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa to assign the altered or new names stated in the first column
of the Schedule below to the respective places described in the second column of the said Schedule.
Objection to the proposed names may be given in writing, setting out the grounds for objection, to the Secretary of the
New Zealand Geographic Board, care of Land Information New Zealand, Private Box 5501, Wellington, within a period of
three months from the date of the New Zealand Gazette containing this notice.
North Auckland Land District
Cochran Stream Stream flowing north from Scenic Drive into Oratia Stream in West Auckland, Topographic Map 260-R11 Auckland, GR 541 736. Spelling correction from Cochrane Stream.
Fergusson Point Coastal point within Whangaroa Harbour, Topographic Map 260-P04 & Q04 Whangaroa, GR 764 820. Spelling correction from Ferguson Point.
Luckens Point Coastal point at the western reaches of Waitemata Harbour in West Auckland, Topographic Map 260-R11 Auckland, GR 573 858. Spelling correction from Lucken Point.
Maioro Sands The ironsands mining area north of the mouth of the Waikato River, including the Waiuku Forest. Topographic Map 260-R13 Port Waikato, GR 630 260. Completing the statutory action of a board decision made in 1970.
The Strand Railway Passenger Stop A new railway passenger stop for suburban carriage train commuters, being part ofthe Auckland Railway Station, Topographic Map 260-R11 Auckland, GR 690 823. Not named on current map.
Three Kings Islands - Topographic Map NZMS 260-L01 Three Kings, Hydrographic Chart NZ 4111:
Manawatawhi/Three Kings Islands Group of islands 60km north west of Cape Reinga, GR 310 820 and 34 10'S Latitude, 172 08'E Longitude. Currently shown as Three Kings Islands on map and chart.
Manawatawhi/Great Island Main island in the Manawatawhi/Three Kings Islands group, GR 315 825 and 34 09'30"S Latitude, 172 08'E Longitude. Updating to current dual naming format on map from "Great Island (Manawa Tawhi)" and on chart from "Great Island/Manawa Tawhi".
Arch Reef Reef in the Princes Islands group, GR 231 804 and 34 10'40"S Latitude, 172 02'45"E Longitude. Not named on current map. Shown as Arch Reef on current chart.
Cascade Bay Bay at the south of Manawatawhi/Great Island, GR 314 814 and 34 10'00"S Latitude, 172 08'E Longitude. Not named on current map. Shown as Cascade Bay on current chart. Known also as Washing Machine Bay.
Tasman Bay Bay at the south east of Manawatawhi/Great Island, GR 323 819 and 34 09'45"S Latitude, 172 08'45"E Longitude. Currently named Tasman Bay on map and chart. Known also as Waterfall Bay.
South Auckland Land District
Nevesville Locality 15km east of Thames in the Coromandel Range, Topographic Map 260-T12 Thames, GR 504 443. Spelling correction from Neavesville.
Westland Land District
Receveur Peak Peak at height 2609m on the Fox Range, 2.5km north west of Mount Tasman, Topographic Map 260-H36 Mount Cook, GR 783 356. Spelling correction fromLe Receveur Peak.
Canterbury Land District
Templers Islands Rural area located between the Waimakariri River and the Christchurch International Airport, Topographic Map 260-M35 Christchurch, GR 720 500. Spelling correction from Templars Islands.
Otago Land District
Clearwater Creek Stream flowing generally northerly from the Dunstan Mountains to its confluence with the Rise and Shine Creek, near Bendigo, Central Otago, Topographic Map 260-G41 Cromwell, from GR 277 737 to GR 272 788. Confirming the extent of the stream to which this name applies, and proposing to rename the lower 2km section, proposed to be shown as part of Rise and Shine Creek.
Garretts Bush An area of bush immediately surrounding the proposed Sticking Up Gully, located near Outram in the lower hills north of the Taieri Plains, from GR 897 805 on Topographic Map 260-H44 Lawrence to GR 909 808 on Topographic Map 260 I44 & J44 Dunedin. Not named on current mapping.
Rise and Shine Creek Stream flowing generally north westerly from the Dunstan Mountains to its confluence with the Bendigo Creek, near Bendigo, Central Otago, Topographic Map 260-G41 Cromwell, from GR 299 762 to GR 256 797. Confirming the extent of the stream to which this name applies, and proposing to rename the lower 2km section which is currently shown as part of Clearwater Creek.
Sticking Up Gully A small gully surrounded by the proposed Garretts Bush, located near Outram in the lower hills north of the Taieri Plains, from GR 897 805 on Topographic Map 260-H44 Lawrence to GR 909 808 on Topographic Map 260-I44 & J44 Dunedin. Not named on current mapping.
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of March 2004.
W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.