Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Disclosure Financial Statements for Auckland International Airport Limited-30 November 2004

Pursuant to the Airport Authorities (Airport Companies Information Disclosure) Regulations 1999 ("Regulations"), Auckland International Airport Limited ("company") confirms that:
1. the Disclosure Financial Statements in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2004 have been completed and audited in compliance with the Regulations; and
2. these statements are available to be inspected at and/or copies can be obtained from:
? the company's web site at:
? the company's executive offices situated at:
Level One, Jean Batten International Terminal, Auckland International Airport, Auckland; and/or
? the company on request by:
Telephone: (09) 256 0550.
Facsimile: (09) 275 4927.
Dated this 23rd day of November 2004.
CHRIS CURLEY, General Manager - Corporate
& Corporate Secretary, Auckland International Airport Limited.