Notice Title

European Union High Quality Beef Reserved Quota Allowance Applications for 2004/05 Quota Year

Publication Date
26 Feb 2004


Meat Board Act Reserved quota allowance applications

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Principal Edition, 26 February 2004.
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In accordance with the Quota Allowance Allocation System in respect of European Union High Quality Beef Tariff Rate Quota, up to 3% of the total quota available to New Zealand is set aside as Reserved Quota Allowance (RQA) for possible allocation to New Entrants.
The closing date for applications from New Entrants is 1 March 2004 (including Year 2 and Year 3 New Entrants) for Reserved Quota Allowance for the 2004/2005 Quota Year beginning 1 July 2004.
Applications must be made in writing on Form 7 or 8, section 18 of the Quota Manual (September 2002 edition).
Printable copies of the appropriate application forms are available from Meat New Zealand's web site at:
Please note the application forms applicable for the 2004/05 Quota Year were amended in August 2002.
Applications received after the closing date will be regarded as late and will be considered only at the discretion of the board.
Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant for completion and therefore risk being received after the closing date.
Applications must be completed using the amended forms.
Applicants must provide:
? an application fee of $250.00 + G.S.T. (non refundable);
? Meat New Zealand Export Licence Number;
? evidence of procurement details, with accompanying letter(s) of confirmation if applicable;
? evidence of ability to process at an EU Listed Premises or ability to toll process with accompanying letter(s) of confirmation; and
? evidence of marketing arrangements, with accompanying letter(s) of confirmation if applicable.
New Entrant applicants for EU High Quality Beef Reserved Quota Allowance are advised that any New Entrant that has not produced qualifying product by 30 September in the applicable production season shall have any conditional RQA held by the applicant revert to the board for allocation in accordance with the provisions of the respective Quota Allowance Allocation Systems.
Please direct any inquiries by telephone to Mary Malone on (04) 4740 838 or Enrique Gonzalez-Macuer on (04) 494 9508.
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of February 2004.
A. DOMETAKIS, Board Secretary, New Zealand Meat Board.