Notice Title

Order for Confiscation of Motor Vehicle

Publication Date
28 Oct 2004


Sentencing Act Confiscation of motor vehicles

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Principal Edition, 28 October 2004.
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See page 3421
Pursuant to section 128 or 129 of the Sentencing Act 2002, on 23 September 2004 at the Waihi District Court,
Karl William Ward was convicted of the following
offence - driving while disqualified (second subsequent offence) - and in addition to the sentence imposed on
him, the Court has ordered that a
1987 Mitsubishi Sigma motor vehicle, Registration No. SL210
owned by the above-mentioned defendant, be forfeited
to Her Majesty, pursuant to section 136 of the Sentencing Act 2002.
S. R. PURCELL, Deputy Registrar.