Notice Type
Notice Title

Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Amendment Notice 2004 (No. F305)

Pursuant to section 188 of the Fisheries Act 1996, the Senior Fisheries Management Advisor, Ministry of Fisheries (acting pursuant to delegated authority in accordance with section 41 of the State Sector Act 1988), gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title-This notice is the Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Amendment Notice 2004 and is part of the principal notice.
(2) In this notice, "principal notice" means the Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Notice 2000 SR 2000/170.
2. Commencement-This notice comes into force on
1 October 2004.
3. Interpretation-Clause 3 of the principal notice is amended by:
(a) inserting the following definition, "dried fins, in all cases of blue, mako and porbeagle shark, means the state in which the head, body and all internal organs, other than pectoral fins, dorsal fin and the lower lobe of the caudal fin have been discarded and the pectoral fins, dorsal fin and the lower lobe of
the caudal fin have been rendered into a dried form or processed in any other way and where the moisture content of the shark fin does not exceed 18% by weight";
(b) inserting the following definition, "wet fins, in all cases of blue, mako and porbeagle shark, means the state in which the head, body and all internal organs, other than the pectoral fins, dorsal fin and the lower lobe of the caudal fin have been discarded, prior to any drying or other processing of the pectoral fins, dorsal fin and the lower lobe of the caudal fin"; and
(c) inserting the following definition; "Crab legs, in relation to giant spider crab, king crab and red crab, means those parts of the crab that remain after the body and carapace, including the internal organs, have been removed".
4. Part 2 of the Schedule-Part 2 of the Schedule of the principal notice is amended by:
(a) revoking from clause 9, in respect of skin-off trimmed fillets for ling, the figure "2.85" and substituting the figure "2.95".
(b) revoking from clause 6, in respect of skin-off trimmed fillets for hoki, the figure "3.00" and substituting the figure "3.10".
(c) inserting the following as clause 2A:
"Blue shark
The conversion factor for wet fins for blue shark (Prionace glauca) is 48.00 and the conversion factor for dried fins for blue shark is 115.00."
(d) inserting the following clause as clause 3A:
"Crab legs
The conversion factor for crab legs is 2.80 for:
(a) giant spider crab (Jacquinotia edwardsii)
(b) king crab (Lithodes and Neolithodes)
(c) red crab (Chaceon bicolour)"
(e) inserting the following as clause 10A:
"Mako shark
The conversion factor for wet fins for mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) is 59.00 and the conversion factor for dried fins for mako shark is 142.00."
(f) inserting the following as clause 11A:
"Porbeagle shark
The conversion factor for wet fins for porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) is 45.00 and the conversion factor for dried fins for porbeagle shark is 108.00."
Dated at Wellington this 27th day of September 2004.
JIM CORNELIUS, Senior Fisheries Management Advisor (acting pursuant to delegated authority).
Explanatory Note
This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This notice, which comes into force on 1 October 2004, amends the Fisheries (Conversion Factors) Notice 2000.
The notice makes the following changes:
(a) new definitions for dried fins, wet fins and crab legs are inserted;
(b) the conversion factor for ling skin-off trimmed fillets is increased from 2.85 to 2.95;
(c) the conversion factor for hoki skin-off trimmed fillets is increased from 3.00 to 3.10;
(d) the new conversion factor for wet fins for blue shark is 48.00 and the new conversion factor for dried fins for blue shark is 115.00;
(e) the new conversion factor for crab legs for giant spider crab, king crab and red crab is 2.80;
(f) the new conversion factor for wet fins for mako shark is 59.00 and the new conversion factor for dried fins for mako shark is 142.00; and
(g) the new conversion factor for wet fins for porbeagle shark is 45.00 and the new conversion factor for dried fins for porbeagle shark is 108.00.
Publication Date
30 Sep 2004

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