Notice Type
Notice Title

Fisheries (Total Allowable Catch) Notice 2004 (No. F289)

Pursuant to section 13 of the Fisheries Act 1996, the Minister of Fisheries gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title-This notice is the Fisheries (Total Allowable Catch) Notice 2004.
2. Commencement-This notice comes into force on 30 September 2004.
3. Application-This notice applies on and from 1 October 2004.
4. Interpretation-In this notice, references to "species", "fishstock code", "quota management area" and "quota management system fishstock code" have the same meanings as in the Fisheries (Declaration of New Stocks Subject to
Quota Management System) Notice (No. 2) 2003 and the Fisheries (Declaration of New Stocks Subject to Quota Management System) Notice (No. 3) 2003.
5. Total Allowable Catch-On and from 1 October 2004, the total allowable catch for each quota management stock is that amount stated in the final column of the Schedule to this notice.
Species Fishstock Code Quota ManagementArea Quota ManagementSystem Fishstock Code Total AllowableCatch(greenweight tonnes)
Green-lipped mussel MSG1 1 GLM1 415
MSG2 2 GLM2 35
MSG3, MSG4, MSG5, MSG6 3, 4, 5 and 6(combined) GLM3 155
MSG7 7B GLM7B 23
MSG8 8 GLM8 43
MSG10 10 GLM10 0
Kahawai KAH1 1 KAH1 3685
KAH2 2 KAH2 1705
KAH3 3, 5, 6 and 7(combined) KAH3 1035
KAH3 4 KAH4 16
KAH3, KAH9 8 and 9 (combined) KAH8 1155
KAH10 10 KAH10 16
Lookdown dory LDO1, LDO2, LDO7, LDO8, LDO9 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 (combined) LDO1 168
LDO3, LDO4, LDO5, LDO6 3, 4, 5, and 6(combined) LDO3 614
LDO10 10 LDO10 1
Parore PAR1 1 PAR1 74
PAR2, PAR3, PAR4, PAR5, PAR6, PAR7, PAR8 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8(combined) PAR2 4
PAR9 9 PAR9 25
PAR10 10 PAR10 0
Pipi PPI1 1A PPI1A 250
Porae POR1 1 POR1 75
POR2, POR8, POR9 2, 8 and 9 (combined) POR2 9
POR3, POR4, POR5, POR6, POR7 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7(combined) POR3 5
POR10 10 POR10 4
Red snapper RSN1 1 RSN1 140
RSN2, RSN3, RSN4, RSN5, RSN6, RSN7, RSN8, RSN9 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and9 (combined) RSN2 25
RSN10 10 RSN10 4
Spiny dogfish SPD1, SPD2 1 and 2 (combined) SPD1 413
SPD3 3 SPD3 5075
SPD4 4 SPD4 1662
SPD5, SPD6 5 and 6 (combined) SPD5 3753
SPD7 7 SPD7 1983
SPD8, SPD9 8 and 9 (combined) SPD8 392
SPD10 10 SPD10 2
Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of August 2004.
DAVID BENSON-POPE, Minister of Fisheries.
Explanatory Note
This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This notice, which comes into force on 30 September 2004, sets the total allowable catch for each quota management stock listed, on and from the first day of the next fishing year.
Publication Date
12 Aug 2004

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