Pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of the Marriage Act 1955, it is hereby notified that the following names have been removed from the list of marriage celebrants under section 11 of the Act:
Armstrong, Allan, 12 Wright Street, Wainuiomata.
Astra, Sam Maria, 29 Cambra Road, Raglan.
Burgham-Page, Maxine Emma Trevor, 250 Lake Road, Takapuna, Auckland.
Ellis, Anne Marie, 199 Main Road, Hope, Nelson.
Gee, Margaret Ellen, 6 Barrett Place, Carterton.
Goode, Jeanette Ruve, Coast Road, Fox River.
Hannah, Roseanne, 2-103 Clarkin Road, Hamilton.
Hardy, Neville George Fortnum, 82 Mein Street Newtown, Wellington.
Dated at Wellington this 29th day of July 2004.
B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General.