Codes of Practice
Pursuant to section 38 (2) (a) of the Electricity Act 1992 ("the Act"), and acting under delegated authority from
the Chief Executive, Ministry of Economic Development, pursuant to section 41 of the State Sector Act 1988,
I, Elizabeth MacPherson, Deputy Secretary, Energy Safety Service, hereby give notice that I intend to apply, after one month from the date of publication of this notice in the
New Zealand Gazette, to the Minister of Energy for: approval of the New Zealand Electrical Codes of Practice for Repair and Maintenance of Domestic Electrical Appliances by
the Owner of the Appliance 2004 (NZECP 50:2004) and Homeowner/Occupier's Electrical Wiring Work in Domestic Installations 2004 (NZECP 51:2004), and the revocation of the New Zealand Electrical Codes of Practice for Repair
of Domestic Electrical Equipment 1993 (NZECP 50:1993) and Electrical Wiring Work in Domestic Premises 1993 (NZECP 51:1993).
The draft codes were issued by the Group Manager, Standards and Safety, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, in 2002, acting pursuant to section 36 of the Act.
It is intended that the Electricity Regulations 1997 be amended to remove the reference to the New Zealand Electrical Codes of Practice for Repair of Domestic Electrical Equipment 1993 (NZECP 50:1993) and Electrical Wiring Work in Domestic Premises 1993 (NZECP 51:1993),
and instead make reference to the New Zealand
Electrical Codes of Practice for Repair and Maintenance
of Domestic Electrical Appliances by the Owner of the Appliance 2004 (NZECP 50:2004) and Homeowner/
Occupier's Electrical Wiring Work in Domestic Installations 2004 (NZECP 51:2004).
Comments are requested from any interested parties.
Copies of the codes may be obtained from:
Ross Hulbert, Policy Group, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, 5th Floor, 33 Bowen Street, Wellington.
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1473, Wellington. Email:
Comments should be received within 30 days of the publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette.
Dated at Wellington this 9th day of June 2004.