Notice Title

Marriage Celebrants for 2004 Notice No. 20

Publication Date
6 May 2004


Marriage Act Lists of marriage celebrants

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Pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of marriage celebrants within
the meaning of the said Act are published for general information:
Andrews, Tony, Anglican.
Aufai, Malaefono, Reformed Congregational LMS Samoan Churches in New Zealand.
Barnard, Mark, Baptist.
Brouwer, Arie Casper, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Clarke, John Richard, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Davis, Jeremy James, Jehovah's Witnesses.
Donaldson, Aaron Boyce, New Life Churches of
New Zealand.
Du, Kien-Sanh, NZ Chinese Mission Church.
Earnshaw, Russel, Jehovah's Witnesses.
Hobbs, Barry Raymond, Jehovah's Witnesses.
Kivalu, Mateo, Roman Catholic.
Koloamatangi, Viliami Ita, Roman Catholic.
McGregor, Brent Leslie-John, Destiny International Trust.
McGregor, Corrina Sharee, Destiny International Trust.
Monga, Princess, Anglican.
Poninghouse, David William, Rhema Family Church.
Roberts, Michele Carol, Anglican.
Robinson, Malcolm John, Salvation Army.
Showan, Wendy, Anglican.
Thompson, Stephen Alexander, The Gnostic Society Incorporated.
Vermaas, Leendert, Jehovah's Witnesses.
Wrigley, Jennifer Ann, Baptist.
Dated at Wellington this 30th day of April 2004.
B. E. CLARKE, Registrar-General.