Notice Title

Medical Practitioner Who May Prescribe, Administer or Supply Controlled Drugs for the Purpose of Treating People With Drug Dependence

Pursuant to section 24 (5) (a) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975, I, David George Chaplow, acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Health, specify that:
Dr William Lloyd Sheldon, Lincoln Road Medical Practice, 92 Lincoln Road, Spreydon, Christchurch
is a medical practitioner who may prescribe, administer or supply controlled drugs for the purposes of that section, with the following conditions:
(a) Dr Sheldon's prescribing of controlled drugs for
the treatment of opioid dependence is limited to methadone;
(b) the prescription of methadone for the treatment
of dependence is limited to patients registered at
Dr Sheldon's practice who have been assessed
as requiring methadone treatment for opioid dependence by a gazetted methadone service; and
(c) Dr Sheldon's authorisation of other medical practitioners to prescribe controlled drugs for the treatment of opioid dependence is limited to designated locums working in his practice. Those medical practitioners authorised by Dr Sheldon
may only prescribe controlled drugs for the treatment of opioid dependence to patients registered at Dr Sheldon's practice and may only do so with
Dr Sheldon's written permission.
Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of December 2003.
DR DAVID CHAPLOW, Director of Mental Health.