Notice Title

Notice Under Section 5-Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978

Pursuant to section 5 of the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978, I hereby give notice of the application by Auckland Zoological Park, a trading enterprise of the Auckland City Council, to the Director-General of Conservation for a permit to take and hold New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri).
This application seeks to obtain from the wild up to six
sick, injured or orphaned New Zealand fur seals from
within the Auckland Conservancy and the holding of up to 10 New Zealand fur seals for display purposes.
A copy of the application and supporting documents may be inspected free of charge at the Department of Conservation's Auckland Conservancy office located on the corner of Karangahape Road and Liverpool Street.
Any person wishing to make a submission in respect of this application may do so in writing to the Minister of Conservation, whose address for service is given below, within 28 days after the date of publication of this notice.
This notice is given by the Minister of Conservation, whose address for service is at the offices of the Technical Support Manager, Department of Conservation, Private Bag 68-908, Newton, Auckland.
JAN COATES, Technical Support Manager (acting under delegated authority from the Minister of Conservation).