Notice Title

Work Start Grant Amendment 2004

Publication Date
4 Mar 2004


Social Security Act Programmes

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Pursuant to section 124 (1) (d) of the Social Security Act 1964, the Minister for Social Development and Employment makes the following amendment to the Work Start Grant Programme (as established and approved on 29 June 1999).
Dated at Wellington this 25th day of February 2004.
STEVE MAHAREY, Minister for Social Development and Employment.
A m e n d m e n t
1. Title-(1) This amendment is the Work Start Grant Amendment 2004.
(2) In this amendment, the Work Start Grant Programme is called "the programme".
2. Commencement-This amendment comes into effect on the day after the date on which it is published in the New Zealand Gazette.
3. Interpretation-Clause 2.1 of the programme is amended by revoking the definition of employment, and substituting the following definition:
"employment" means paid employment, but does not include:
"(a) self-employment; or
"(b) employment as a sex worker or as an operator of a business of prostitution (as those terms are defined in the Prostitution Reform Act 2003); or
"(c) employment in any other occupation of a kind that provides, or directly facilitates the provision of, services:
"(i) for the sexual gratification of one or more other persons; and
"(ii) that are provided for payment or other reward (irrespective of whether the reward is given to the person providing the services or another person)."
4. Amounts of grants-Clause 8 of the programme is amended by revoking clauses 8.1 to 8.2A, and substituting the following clauses:
"8.1 The amount of a grant under clause 5.1 must not exceed:
"(a) $250.00; or
"(b) if the applicant's specific transition to work expenses are not met by the amount in paragraph (a), that amount and any additional amount (not exceeding $250.00) required to meet those expenses.
"8.2 The chief executive may make more than one grant to an applicant under clause 5.1 in a 52 week period, but the total amount of the grants made in that period must not exceed:
"(a) $250.00; or
"(b) if the applicant's specific transition to work expenses are not met by the amount in paragraph (a), that amount and any additional amount (not exceeding $250.00) required to meet those expenses."
Explanatory Note
This note is not part of the amendment but is intended to explain its general effect.
This amendment to the Work Start Grant Programme
(which takes effect on the day after its publication in the New Zealand Gazette):
? Prevents payment of work start grants to people employed in providing sex services, and
? clarifies that the maximum amount of any grant, and of the total of the grants that can be paid in a 52 week period is $250.00, but this amount may be increased
by up to $250.00 where it is insufficient to meet an applicant's specific transition to work expenses as defined in the programme.